Chapter 7: Finale

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The summer breeze blew Calliope's long curls across her face. Crossing her arms over her chest, she stared at the fence that was supposed to be electrified in order to keep the citizens of District Twelve inside. But the fence was barely ever on since electricity was already not guaranteed.

During the rare times, the fence was turned on, you could hear a slight hum of the electrical current. Right now, the only hum Calli could hear was that of the wind and a bird off in the distance. 

The spaces in the fence were easy to fit through.

The farthest most citizens usually go was to the tree line to collect the little fruit that bloomed in the fall. Almost no one ever ventured further into the woods—no one except Katniss Everdeen and Gale Hawthorne.

The older boy was who Calli was searching for that day. She had seen him enter the field, not even looking to see if he was being watched. It was so effortlessly. Being a Sunday, it was the only day the mines were closed and the workers were able to rest. Normally they would be home relaxing. 

Not Gale.

Gale retreated to the one place he felt the most safe. The woods. 

After building up enough courage, Calli finally climbed through the gaps in the fence and began to make her way towards the woods.

If she were to be arrested for this, she wouldn't care. Calliope had nothing left to live for. Peeta was bound to die without the medicine he needed and Calli didn't want to see that. At first she thought she needed to, that would be a betray to him if she wasn't. But now even the thought of watching the bakers son die, made her sick with anxiety.

Not exactly sure where to go, Calli just kept walking deeper into the woods, staying in a straight line. If she got lost, all she had to do was turn around and go in the opposite direction. 

Pausing for a moment, Calliope looked up at the blue sky. The sun was just over head, leaking through the leaves and warming her face. With a smile, Calliope took a deep breath. The woods smelt wet and almost sweet. The air was clean and the breeze felt nice in the summer heat. 

It was the furthest Calliope had ever gone from the fence and it was thrilling to be out here, knowingly breaking a rule she could be killed for. 

Now she understood the want to be out here. It was beautiful. All the different colors, the shades of green and browns. It was truly amazing and eye opening. Calli wondered if there was a lake near by that she could possibly swim in. The cold water would feel refreshing.

There wasn't a large body of water inside the fence, only a few small streams where many citizens got their drinking water from and those who could afford it, their running water.

"What are you doing out here?" a voice asked, frightening the girl.

Looking in all directions, Calli had no idea where his voice was coming from until he emerged from a hidden tree. His brows knitted together in anger as he scowled at the girl.

"Well, I guess I wanted to see what the excitement about the woods was. Why it make you so mysterious and what people find attractive about it?" She crossed her arms over her chest again.

"Go home, Calliope, I mean it" he spat, walking right past her in the opposite direction.

"Hm, that's funny, I don't remember you suddenly becoming my father. Last I checked, you don't tell me what to do Gale," she called after him.

"You're gonna get yourself killed."

"If I die, I die," Calliope shrugged. 

Abruptly, stopping in his tracks Gale turned to glare down at the girl. "Look, I only have one day to hunt for two families, I don't have time to babysit you."

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