Chapter 5: The Start

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Calliope was only able to catch a glimpse of the blond-haired boy as he and Katniss Everdeen were escorted to the train that would take them straight to the capital. Peeta's face was red and blotchy from crying but Katniss didn't look as though she cried at all. Her face was stone cold, staring straight ahead of her.

That night, the highlights from each district's reaping were shown, so everyone in the country could see who would be going into the 74th Hunger Games.

 The multiple volunteers from one and two, the reaping of a twelve-year-old girl in eleven, and finally, the mayhem that was District twelve. Haymitch, practically falling off the stage, Katniss volunteering, Peeta being called. It all made Calliope's stomach turn.

She watched the highlights, her grandfather and mother right next to her to comfort the girl as she cried. No one touched the cookies that were meant for celebration because no one felt there was anything to celebrate. He wasn't their son or grandson but the older two Whittmores grew fond of the boy that was always around and though Calliope was thankful that she had been spared for another year, she was recked from the fear for Peeta's life. 

All she had from him was the piece of paper her placed in her hands hours before. Once she unraveled it, she realized it was a painted portrait of her, done in a plethora of beautiful colors from the pigments she got for Peeta. She held that painting close to her as she watched the screen.

Since arriving at the Capital tributes would be there for 6 days before the games. Getting prepared, training, and doing interviews, all leading up to the 7th day, the day the Hunger Games began.

Calliope couldn't imagine how Peeta must be feeling. Probably scared and nervous, terrified even. She shook her head, trying to rid any thought of that. She couldn't think about that now, she had to convince herself that he would at least be okay for the next six days. 

The Opening Ceremonies were the next day. This is where each tribute team would be dressed as their district's specialty and were paraded on chariots through the Capital. Sponsors used this to get their first close-up look at the tributes, already deciding who looked like they had the best potential.

Calliope had been glued to the chair in her living room the entire day watching Ceasor Flickerman, the host of the Hunger Games, talk about each of the tributes as the highlights of the reapings played again and again until the first chariot rolled out. 

Each tribute looked phenomenal, dressed to perfection in the outfits the stylists designed just for them. She bounced her leg, biting her nails due to anxiety, waiting for just a glimpse of her best friend. District Twelve would be the last of the chariots since they went in order. 

District One's chariot was pulled by snow-white horses, they looked so beautiful spray painted silver and decorated in tunics designed with jewels. The roar of the crowd could be heard through the speakers. District One made luxury items for the Capital. They were always a crowd favorite, producing the most amount of victors along with District Two. 

District Twelve was coal mining. This meant that Peeta and Katniss would be dressed as coal miners. Or so Calliope thought. 

When the District Tweleve's chariot, pulled by two beautiful black stallions, the crowd went crazy, screaming for the two tributes, Calliope wasn't sure why until the camera finally panned on Peeta and Katniss. 

Her heart almost stopped. They were on fire! How could that be? How were they on fire yet, not burning? They weren't dressed as coal miners like they were supposed to, no they were dressed in matching dazzling black uniforms with what Calliope assumed to be synthetic flames flowing behind them in the wind, they were dressed as coal. 

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