Chapter 3: In the Meadow

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"Seven days," Calliope said looking at the calendar on the shop wall. 

Peeta nodded, standing next to her, taking a bite out of a fresh loaf of bread. "Seven days." 

The two had been more inseparable since their night together. Calliope's grandfather didn't mind much as he knew that his granddaughter just wanted to be free while she could. Well as free as anyone could in District 12. 

He always allowed her to act this way leading up to the reaping because these very well could be her last days. Once the reaping was over everything would go back to normal so long as she wasn't picked.

Since their night of care, at least once a day Calliope would tend to Peeta's back to make sure his wounds were healing and they were, luckily. 

"What are you kids still doing here?" asked Mr. Whittmore as he made his way from the back of the shop. "Shouldn't you be heading to school?" 

Letting out a chuckle, Calliope shook her head. "It's Sunday Pa' no school today." 

The older man adjusted his spectacles with a simple "Oh," his brows coming together in a frown. Mr. Whittmore had been having a few issues with his memory as of late but Calliope wasn't too worried about it. Simply deciding it was his old age.

Sundays were the only days for complete freedom. No shops were open and the mines were closed, and there were no lessons for the day. This meant the two had the entire day to do whatever they wanted, and they were going to spend it wisely.

"We should get going," Peeta informed the girl, glancing at the clock on the wall. 

Calliope nodded and grabbed the small basket of very few baked goods that Peeta had made for their day in the meadow.

The meadow was a patch of green that lined the outskirts of the district. It was far from all the shops and even about a 10-minute walk from the Seam. Most citizens got nervous when approaching the fence that bordered District 12, but not Calliope. She had watched as Katniss and Gale ventured past the electric fence on more than a few occasions, so she wasn't worried. It was the most peaceful part of the district, no one would bother them there. 

Peeta wasn't too sure about Calliope's plan to spend the entire day together at first, but after a bit of convincing, he agreed. So the two, along with Rye and Wren, began their journey to the only beautiful place in District 12. 

"Alright, we got all the fixings," Peeta began unloading the basket onto the blanket they set up. "We got bread and cheese, we got a couple of cookies, and I was even able to swipe a couple of cupcakes." Peeta smiled, digging into the woven basket. 

Calliope couldn't help but worry this was going to get both the Mellark boys in trouble. In fact, stealing was punishable by death in District 12, and Calli wouldn't put it past their mother to follow through with the punishment.

"Everything okay, Cal?" Peeta asked, passing a plate of cheese and bread to Rye.

Nodding, Calliope whispered to the boy, "You aren't gonna get in trouble for this are you?" 

He shrugged. "I don't care. If this is my last Sunday with my brother and my best friends, I'm willing to risk everything for it." 

Rye gave him an approving smile. He loved causing mischief and he liked that he was rubbing off on his little brother. 

The four spent the majority of their time in the meadow talking about old memories and reminiscing about their childhoods. Wren and Rye were cuddled up close to each other. Almost like they would be separated forever if they were to leave each other's sides. 

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