Chapter 6: The Games

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The bell to the shop rang above the open door. Looking up from her book, Calli was surprised to see Gale Hawthorne carrying an old pair of boots. 

"Hey..." Calli trailed off as the young man approached her. He barely looked her in the eyes as he placed the worn shoes on the counter. It was the first time Calli had seen the boy since the reaping. 

He had dark bags under his eyes, his shoulders hunched almost like he was trying to protect himself from an invisible force. He didn't look like he was doing so well. Calli expected he thought the same about her.

"Gale Hawthorne," Calliope's Grandfather smiled, walking out from behind the shop. "What can I do for you?"

"I uh...I start working in the Mines tomorrow, and these boots just need a new set of soles," he explained.

Picking up the shoes, the older man examined them a little closer. Each pair did in fact need a new pair of soles and a sturdy set of laces. Not to mention the insoles were practically falling apart. If he had the money, Calliope would have just recommended he buy a new pair, but he didn't and the two squirrels on his back weren't gonna be enough to trade for a brand-new pair by her grandfathers standards.

"And you need them by tomorrow?" Gale nodded. "Alright, I uh, can do that for you."

"Great, how much do I owe you?" 

"Well son, what do you have?" 

Pulling a string off his back Gale showed the man two squirrels. "I know it's not much but I'm hoping it will cover it."

Mr. Whittmore thought for a moment before letting out a sigh. "The squirrels will get you the new supplies but what about the time and effort?"

If it were up to Calli should would have taken taken the squirrels and called it even but her grandfather was a business man. He couldn't afford to give out discounts whenever he felt like it. 

"I can uh..." Gale reached into his pocket and pulled out the few coins he had but it wasn't enough for the man. 

"I'm sorry, son, I really am, but I have a business to run."

Gale nodded, taking the old pair of boots and his squirrels before leaving the shop. 

"Why couldn't you just do it for him?" Calli asked once she knew Gale was gone. 

"He's a good boy, don't get me wrong, but if I give him a discount, then I have to give everyone a discount and two squirrels will barely feed us for a day," he answered before go back into the shop and continuing his work.

After a moment of think, Calli raced outside, hoping to catch up to the boy. His shoulders where hunched as he hung his head low. "Gale!" Calliope called after him. 

He stopped in his tracks and turned to face her, allowing her to catch up to him. "I'll fix your boots for the squirrel's."

"I don't need any hand outs from you," he spat before going to turn back around. 

"It's not a hand out," she said, stopping him again. "You need your shoes fixed and I need to put dinner on the table. Like my granddad said the squirrels will cover the supplies, I don't mind doing the work." 

"Doing work for free...Sounds like a handout to me." He was practically glaring at the girl. Letting out a sigh, she took the boots from his hands and began to walk back to the shop. "Hey! What the hell!"

"Don't worry, you'll get them back tonight."

Gale raced to stand in front of the girl, blocking her path as he tried to reach for his shoes but she pulled them away. "I told you I don't need any handouts."

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