what a surprise(test)

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"Don't pry into my life."


"Class settle down." It was currently the day before the downfall of Class D and something interesting happened, "Today's a bit more serious, you'll be having a test." Sensei said, surprising the rest of the class.

"Eh~? Sensei~ I haven't been paying attention~!"

"That's so boring~."

"Don't worry, this test won't be put on any records, it's just for us to rest your strengths and weaknesses to adjust the curriculum."

To be able to admit that you haven't studied or been paying attention in class must be embarrassing from an outsider's point of view.

"Sae-Chan-Sensei~ you could've at least told us~!"

She smiled, but it wasn't a nice smile, it was more of an 'I'm looking down on you smile', "It wouldn't be a surprise test if I had told you, would it?"

"I see your point aha..."

She handed out the tests to everyone, "Remember, no cheating is allowed, if caught cheating, which you will be, you'll be punished by our school regulations accordingly." She said, holding out her watch, "You may begin... now."

The sound of everyone opening their papers was heard and I took a glance at every question on the paper. They weren't difficult for someone of our age, but the last three questions were quite a surprise. In fact, you needed at least college-level equations to figure them out.

What's the best way to go about answering this exam? I could go for my entrance exam strategy and get 50 marks in total again but that's a bit boring. If I got a high score, I'd probably have to tutor people in the future when we eventually hold study sessions with the class so scoring high is off the list for now. But, if I scored too low, that would put me on the list for being tutored and that would be a waste of time for me. So, I'll opt for getting 60 marks. It's above half the paper so it doesn't group me with the lesser academic people but it's also not high enough for me to be grouped with the more academic people. What a nice number.

Since I had finished before the majority, I rested my head on the table and fell into a slumber, bored out of my mind.




My body's danger detector sprung in and my eyes darted open, grabbing the hand that was about to touch me, "Oww~." A girl's voice was heard and I loosened my grip and dropped her hand. It was Kushida.

"I was just waking you up to let you know that class ended." She said, shaking her wrist, "You seemed used to people getting near you in your sleep, are you alright?" She asked, trying to gain information about me.

"Don't try and pry into my life Kushida-San. I don't know you and I intend to keep it that way." I said loud enough that only she could hear, I then leaned into her ear, "I know your secret." I whispered. She jolted at my words which only confirmed that she was in fact hiding something. It was bullshit, I literally knew nothing about her, and now I know that I have to be wary around her.

She's so stupid for reacting to that. If she had been more careful about her decisions, maybe I wouldn't have known.

But now that I do, welcome to my chess game pawn #1.


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Would you rather kiss Ayanokoji once?

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