Chapter 11 (Finale): Escape

Start from the beginning

"I would expect nothing less from you, Claw Noire," she replied coldly, not even fazed in the slightest. 

"That's good then, Shadybug, there is nothing between us. What happened was a mistake," he replied calmly. Shadybug smirked.

"That's good to hear then. I believed it was, too. Now, Claw, today's the day to get this done."

Claw Noire released a exasperated sigh but gave her a nod. 

"So what's the plan?" he asked. Shadybug sat down on the railing, swinging her legs a bit.

"So the plan is to get rid of the Supreme, right? We need to re-locate his hideout."

Claw Noire rolled his eyes.

"And that takes how long? Just use a lucky charm."

Shadybug shook her head.

"I already thought of that. Using a lucky charm would be risky."

"Isn't what we're doing already risky?" he snapped back. Shadybug sighed.

"Lucky charm."

She got a printer and was caught by surprise, resulting in her nearly falling of the railing. Claw Noire quickly reached out, grabbed her by the waist and brought her back inside the Eiffel Tower.

"A printer? I should know better by now than to question your lucky charms, as they usually are pretty damn obvious, but this I don't understand."

"I think my lucky charm is telling us his hideout is somewhere by a printshop?"

Claw Noire groaned and shook his head in exasperation.

"Do you realize how long it'll take to find the right one?" Claw snapped. Shadybug grinned at him.

"Not long; lucky charm!"

The printer swapped lucky charms with what appeared to be a tracking device.

"Wow. Getting easy lucky charms today, are you?" Claw remarked sarcastically. Shadybug didn't reply to his question; only examining the tracking device. She tapped a button and it lit up with a discreet laser beam scanning over the city of Paris. Given the bright sunlight now currently shining down on Paris, it was easy to hide the laser beam, but nobody knew for sure if the Supreme had a way of being able to sense tracking devices that were attempting to locate him. Shadybug smiled as it chimed once, and a small little screen slid out of the device and displayed the said "printer-shop" the Supreme hid out in. 

"Alright, I take back the insults about your lucky charms. What now, though?"

Shadybug flicked her hand absentmindedly.

"We develop a plan now that we know his hideout."

She got rid of her lucky charm and replaced it with a bouquet of roses.

"Why the flowers?"

"So, it seems discreet. He cannot know what we're planning, and my previous two lucky charms would've given us away."

"Look at you being 2 steps ahead, Shady," he muttered, but shot her a stiff nod of acknowledgement to her good idea.

"Of course. I would rather not get us into trouble yet. Not before I formulate a plan."

"Does this plan involve a guinea pig?"

"No. If it did, you would obviously not be standing right in front of me."

Claw Noire cleared his throat.

"I, uh, good point."

Shadybug grinned at that acknowledgement.

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