Chapter 6: We're Not Done Yet

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Claw Noire de-transformed at a very inconvenient time. Mari had just developed a plan to enact while they were waiting for Chat Blanc to realize he could come to their dimension and wreck more havoc.

"Adrien! Honestly!"

"What? I've been transformed for so long that my body's starting to hurt. Therefore, my kwami's weak," Adrien snapped in response, shooting her a miffed expression. Mari rolled her eyes.

"Don't say that. They've been working for us for so long, we do kind of owe them some gratitude."

"Right. Shades is always right," Adrien said casually, but shot her a devious look.

"Oh, you stop that, that's a ridiculous expression," Mari muttered. 

 "Says who? You're just jealous that you-"

She elbowed him in the ribs and glared at him.

"Shut up, before something happens that you wouldn't like."

"What makes you think I wouldn't like your punishments?" he teased, and she blinked in startled surprise.

"Wait, what?"

"I was joking. Can't the evil version of Adrien Agreste joke with his so-called 'partner'?"

"Sure," she replied flatly.  Adrien's shoulders slumped.

"You don't want me to...?"

"It's whatever, I guess, but it's odd for you."

"Look, I'm trying to make you feel good. As in, lighter and more limber to wreck some chaos," he replied.

"Sure, Adrien, sure. Can you just...transform now?"

"No. My body is too tired."

"Boohoo, I could care less. Hurry up. We have-"

"Can we have a normal day? Save your plan for tomorrow? Rest so we can do way better tomorrow?"

"Fine. 1 day only," she retorted, and went to her room, slamming the door behind her. He stared at her door for a moment, something in his mind telling him to go to her room, but then he shook his head, clearing his thoughts and sat down on the couch right in front of the TV. Adrien picked up the remote and pressed the power button to turn it on. When it did, it was playing Breaking News. Intrigued, he leaned forward.

"There appears to be a return of Shadybug and Claw Noire, but this time with upgraded abilities, along with a mysterious person as their hostage. The person that witnesses claimed they saw appeared to be another version of Shadybug, which raises the question: Where did their hostage come from and where did Shadybug and Claw Noire go? Stay tuned for more updates, and remember to leave something valuable at Claw Noire's Eiffel Tower."

Adrien cracked a smirk; he loved when newsreporters called the Eiffel Tower his. 

"And as for Shadybug's latest updates, the cold ruler of Paris appears to be in a riff with her sidekick, which appears to be fracturing her control. Remember, folks, the last time she lost control? Before Claw Noire came into play? Better hope she lays low and regains it, or Paris is in for a wild ride."

Adrien perked up.

"Say more upon that incident," he whispered, but the reporter ended the topic and the news switched to Paris' weather. He groaned. Adrien had been so close to discovering Shadybug's darker layers, they had come so close, and he had just missed his chance. He got up and went to look for more food, but a note on the fridge made him back off.  

'Stay the hell out of the fridge. There's a surprise that you have zero access to.'

He turned to the cupboards and opened one door, trying to locate anything. He spotted a half-empty box of pastries and eagerly opened it. The beautiful smell of fresh-baked pastries wafted through his senses. But before he could manage to eat a single pastry, he heard a phone ringing. Groaning, he put the box back, carried the pastry and went to answer the phone.

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