Chapter 11 (Finale): Escape

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The Supreme would not stand a chance if she begged Betterfly for help. Shadybug didn't feel like lowering herself, however, to a do-gooder's level. Shadybug was sitting alone on a rooftop, within eyesight of the Eiffel Tower, watching the sunrise, letting her breath fan out into the air in the cold morning. She checked her messages on her yoyo phone, but there was silence from Claw Noire. After all, that made sense, it was very early in the morning. She adjusted her sitting position and leaned her head up to the sky. 

"Paris, Paris...It's finally time."

She inhaled the cold, crisp, fresh air and let out a deep breath. Her eyes closed for a moment. Shadybug finalized her decision. She would destroy the Supreme once and for all and take full control of Paris. Then everyone would respect her power, including Claw Noire. For some reason, she wanted his respect more than anyone else's. Shadybug took another deep breath, opened her eyes and met the Eiffel Tower's unfaltering presence with her gaze. The Eiffel Tower gazed out at the city, the black pillars gleaming as the sun's rays hit it and lit up the metal, her steady presence looming over the city, a daily reminder of Claw Noire's own grip on Paris, underneath Shadybug's rule. She pondered if she should get up, but then Shadybug decided against it and instead remained in her position. She couldn't risk going to the Eiffel Tower when people started waking up. When it got busy, she would move over to the Eiffel Tower. Then Shadybug would enact her plan to eliminate the Supreme once and for all, and claim her reign over Paris. 

The sun rose up higher into the Parisian sky, and as the streets filled with people, Shadybug decided it'd be best to de-transform and walk to the Eiffel Tower as Marinette. She quickly glanced around, stood up, slid down the drainpipe to the alley below, a whole de-transforming sequence later, she was walking stiffly towards the Eiffel Tower. Nobody paid her any mind as she hopped into the elevator to the second floor and nobody saw her transform back into Shadybug on said second floor and march to the balcony's lookout over Paris. Shadybug took another deep breath and checked her yoyo phone's messages. There was one new notification. She checked it and bit her lip as she scanned what Claw Noire had said.

"Where are you? I need to see you about something..."

She quickly texted back that she was at the Eiffel Tower. The beep on her phone alerted her to another message.

"Should've figured that one out."

She cracked a small smile. Shadybug was getting too predictable with her lookouts and hideouts. The sun rose a bit higher in the sky as she kept a look out for Claw Noire, and her fingers started warming up in her suit as the cold morning faded into the warmer middle ground between morning and noon. Finally, as the bells tolled for 10 o'clock in the morning, she spotted Claw Noire, rather Adrien Agreste, as he was in his civilian form, casually heading towards the Eiffel Tower, his hands in his pockets and his expression perfectly composed. He vanished out of sight as he got too close to the Eiffel Tower and she couldn't look directly down at him. But she heard a clatter behind her shortly after and quickly turned around just as Claw Noire approached her, his usual swagger in place. 

"Bonjour, Shades," he said as a simple greeting. Shadybug gave him a nod.

"Bonjour, Claw. What did you need to talk about today before we start our daily routine?" Shadybug asked, casually meeting his eye, leaning back against the railing. Claw's lips curved up in a smirk. 

"I would like to discuss the kiss that happened yesterday."

"Oh, but of course," Shadybug sneered, her lips curving up into a evil smile. She waited for him to speak, her head held high. 

"That will not happen again."

"Uh-huh. Keep going."

"And I shall ensure it stays that way."

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