Chapter 7: De-akumatization

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Shadybug effectively punchd him in his bell, breaking the akuma. With a groan, she summoned up her lucky charm and sent off Miraculous Shadybugs. She caught the akuma, stomped on it, used something Claw Noire couldn't catch, a portal opened for the third time, and Shadybug effectively shoved a very confused Chat Noir through the portal then closed it.

"Shades, did you just...protect Paris?"

"Never. Why the fuck would I do that?" she snapped, stomping her heels on the ground.

"Are you throwing a hissy fit right now, Shadybug?" Claw Noire asked, raising an eyebrow.

"Why would I ever do such a thing that's so disgustingly revolting on a woman? No, I'm expressing my anger in a form of physical means."

"Uh...sure, Shades, sure. I absolutely believe you."

She shot him a glare.

"Okay. Now that he's gone, you, Claw Noire, are leaving me to my own devices. I still need some space."

Claw Noire slipped up onto the railing, saluted her and fell backwards off the railing. Shadybug rolled her eyes and instead turned her back on him. She stared down at the floor, deep in thought when a yo-yo's string wrapped around her. With a sigh, she did a flip and spotted Ladybug with a new upgrade of Miraculouses,

"Well, well, well, guess you finally figured out how to survive. By tackling the head of Paris. So, what is now that you want?"

"That's a great question, Shadybug, given the fact that I'm the one now holding you hostage."

"Pity to think that will stay this way," Shadybug said while rolling her eyes.


Shadybug spun around as much as she could and tripped Ladybug. Ladybug had to stumble and stagger around for a bit as Shadybug bolted then the yo-yo's string finally removed itself from Shadybug's torso.

"See, here's the thing, Ladybug, I will always one-up you, especially since you're on my turf and I always, always, have the upper-hand."

Ladybug blanched.

"Sure, of course you do. But I am stronger."

Shadybug laughed.

"You will never, ever, EVER, be stronger than me, you pathetic bug," Shadybug snarled and sent Ladybug reeling with her heel.

"I will, and I still have access to Miraculouses!"

Shadybug laughed.

"Really? Hesperia gave you his, and you think that's powerful? I've been kicking his ass for how long? Oh, wait...too long! Get lost, bug, and I'll spare you this time, but definitely not the next time."

"I'll be back."

Shadybug scoffed, "Sure you will."

Ladybug fled while Shadybug watched her go. Then she called up Claw Noire.

"What!" he spat into the phone.

"Aw, poor kitty's hurting because his wittle pawtner told him to leave," she cooed in a sarcastic tone into the phone.

"Don't ever be that way to me."

"Ladybug's fleeing the Eiffel Tower. Make sure she starts full-on running, Claw."

"Et toi?"

Shadybug blinked.

"Hey. I'm asking you a favor. Don't ask questions."

"Sure, sure, Shadybug."

He hung up and she heard the satisfying scream from Ladybug as Claw Noire did his job, then she turned her back on the mini chaos.

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