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     "They did it!" the Lancer whooped. "They've got a vaccine!"

     His brothers cheered with him, quickly going for celebratory drinks. "To the end of the COVID plague," the Wizard toasted. "Let's hope it's at least another century before the next one."

     All three drank to that.

     Their celebration was interrupted by the ringing of a phone. Groaning, the Swordsman got up. "I'll get it," he grumbled. "Now what do they want our help with?"

     "When we agreed to make ourselves available to fight their strongest foes, we should have made a stipulation on how often they could call us," the Lancer sighed. "This is the second time this month. What could they need us for now?"

     "Someone probably released another demon," the Wizard huffed.

     Unfortunately, he wasn't far off. A few minutes later, he was in his battle gear, waiting with his brothers at their new helipad for the Foundation helicopter. "I will never understand people," the Swordsman complained. "In this age, very few even believe in magic. Of those that do, most aren't capable of actually practicing it. Explain to me why anyone would be stupid enough to summon a whole group of demons? I detest fighting those ungodly things!"

     The Wizard grumbled something about ever-evolving human stupidity, which made the Lancer laugh and clap him on the back. "Don't worry," he soothed. "We've proven adept at banishing these things. Just don't get banished with it this time, ok, Wizard?"

     The Wizard blushed furiously. "One time!" he protested. "One time I got in the way of a banishment, and you two never let me forget it. It took me six days to work my way back to reality, and when I got there, did I find my worried brothers anxiously awaiting my return? No! Instead, I'm met by laughter and mockery!"

     "Hey," the Lancer called with a shrug as the helicopter approached. "What are brothers for?"

     The Wizard maintained his scowl, but it took effort. By the time they'd boarded, he couldn't keep from smiling. Brothers. Family. That's what he had now. Listening to the Swordsman and the Lancer trading good-natured jibes, the Wizard realized something. He could barely remember what his life was like before he'd had his brothers in it. How had he survived for so long, all those centuries alone? It puzzled him now. The three of them worked so well with each other that it was as though they'd always been a trio.

     If he had his way, they always would be.


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