North of Miami, Florida, February 11th, 2020, 1930

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     Joel and Elias walked the darkened streets searching for lodging for the night to wait for the plane they needed in the morning. The streetlights created cones of light, illuminating the sidewalk as they walked. Up and down the street, curtains twitched, the inhabitants looking out at the two strangers passing by. Yet despite their proximity to the busy city, no cars passed them. "It is eerie, isn't it?" Joel remarked, looking around at the empty streets. "I can't believe how empty all the streets are. This disease, it's a bad one."

     "Trust me, I've seen worse." Elias was still smiling as they walked. He paused, pointing ahead. "Look, those people are out, see?"

     "We should have picked up some masks," Joel realized, watching the men approach them. "They've all got them on."

     "Yes, and it's still weird," Elias declared. "Especially those bandanas they're wearing. They look like they're about to rob a bank."

     Joel stepped aside with Elias to allow the group to pass, offering a friendly wave and a nod. Elias was right, of course. It was still odd to see groups of people running around with their faces covered who weren't up to something nefarious. But that was the new norm. Even here in Florida, where idiots were vigorously contesting the practice of mandating mask use and lockdowns, many people still had enough common sense to want to protect themselves and others against the deadly disease. Elias was right before, too. Joel knew he couldn't save everyone and knew that even if he tried, his gift would only end up sold to the highest bidder. But he couldn't help but feel guilty. Here was this group of men, likely just wanting to go about their business in peace, and they had to do it looking like Wild West banditos. Part of Joel wanted to apologize. They were...

     When a fist crashed into his face, Joel was too shocked to register what had just happened to him. One moment, he'd been standing with Elias just off the sidewalk to let the group pass. The next, he was sprawled in the grass on his side, face aching and head spinning. Then, a foot connected, a hard kick to Joel's stomach. It didn't make sense, no more than what the men were yelling about "China flu" or "damned disease-ridden Chinaman." Joel gasped, trying to breathe through the pain and shock. Elias. Where was Elias?

     Oh. There he was.

     The Son of the Wind had apparently spent the last few centuries perfecting his fighting skills. Despite how upset he'd been at losing his sword, he certainly didn't seem hindered now. Elias was a blur of motion, feet and fists flying as he attacked the group, racing around and through them so quickly they were having difficulty tracking him. Six had attacked him and Joel, but it was clear that they were no match for Elias. Already, four were down, groaning on the ground, clutching at injuries. The other two were falling back, trying unsuccessfully to defend themselves against Elias's furious attacks. But now Joel could see more, coming from the surrounding buildings, both men and women with bats, tire irons, brooms, and at least two rifles. "Elias!" Joel gasped. "Look out!"

     Elias knocked the heads together of the remaining two attackers, turned, and saw the new threats approaching him. Then, to Joel's amazement, he smiled. "Don't worry, brother," he told Joel. "I got this." He seemed to stretch, linking his fingers together and pressing his hands forward in front of him. His head snapped sideways to the left and then the right, producing a crack each time. All the while, those of their original attackers who could were crawling back. Two were getting to their feet, courage bolstered by new numbers.

     Elias started with them. His foot lashed out, smashing into a knee on the first. The second received a hard, sure jab with a fist into his ribs. There was a snap, and the men howled and dropped again. "Do yourself a favor," Elias advised, still smiling as he watched the approach of his new opponents. "Stay down? Good boys."

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