Her, with him?

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Im pregnant...

I know. Im so confused. How did this happen?

I mean I know how it happened😏

But how did this happen? We weren't even trying.

What do I do? What's Kenny gonna think? Is he gonna be happy? Does he even want kids yet?

I have so many questions, if only google could help me out here.

I don't understand, I've been on the pill for years and this has never happened. Let me actually try google this..

'Does the pill always work?'

'If used perfectly, the pill is 99% effective'

Of course I'm in that one percent.


What do I do?????
How do I tell him???

As I sat with my thoughts, contemplating what to do, my phone rang.

'King Kenny😍'

Fucks sake

Honey- hello?

Kenny- hey babyyy

Honey- oh hey

Kenny-what's up with you?

Honey-huh oh nothing um I'm having a meeting with my manager so I have to go sorry bye

Kenny- oh okay bye I lov-

Call ended

That was the only excuse I could think of, anyways back to freaking out.

The next day

Kenny's pov

I decided to have an early morning today and go to the gym. I haven't been going as much recently as I'm not training for a fight but it's honestly the only thing to take my mind off everything that's been going on recently. Well other than Honey, but she's been busy lately. It's weird tho, I feel like ever since I proposed I've been seeing her less and less. But it's fine, we both have such busy schedules I guess..

I had a long session today and decided to top it off with going on a run home instead of getting an Uber. As I was running I thought it would be cute to surprise Honey, she told me she was at Nellas house today so she couldn't talk. But I was about to pass her favourite bakery and how cute would it be to go and get her a box of her favourite cupcakes and surprise her at Nellas. At least I can actually eat them with her too now I'm not in any camp. I hate it when she wants to go get something nice to eat and I can't have it with her, it's nice to enjoy those little moments. Even if it's just sitting in the cafe and eating loads of junk and arguing who's gonna pay for it. I could have probably gotten a fight on the next prime card coming up, but I decided that as much as I love what I do I wanted to take a break and spend some time with my fiancé. Although it hasn't really been going to plan, any time I call or text her to make plans she is always too busy, I understand she has a tight schedule but still. I mean we are engaged. Hopefully it will clear up soon tho. I guess this is how she feels when I'm in the gym 24/7 training for fights, and I can't go for food with her cause I'm on a strict diet. But this is why I'm taking time away. Oh well.

I was about to open the door to the cafe until I saw her, with him?

Honey and Chunkz, sat in the cafe together. Opposite each other, staring into each others eyes, deep in conversation.

Why did she tell me she was at Nellas? Why did Chunkz tell me he was going to see Darkest?  Clearly there's something they're hiding from me. Why tho? My best friend and my fiancé.. wow.

As much as I wanted to barge in and stop whatever was happening, something stopped me. I walked away like a dickhead. Just allowing my fiancé and best mate to carry on with what ever lie they were letting me believe. I wonder who else knows about this?

She's sort i knoww but I have good things coming so stick with me🤞🏼 688 words

Here's just a few notes now about my upcoming updates to this story and others, in no way do you have to read it but it's just a break down of what's coming up and a bit of waffle

I want to thank Amy2886 for helping me out with writing recently honestly I think I'd be stuck without the help😫.

Even tho I have my locked in story, which I promise is coming very very soon, and my one shots I really just wanted to carry on with this story so expect a few more chapters.

But back on the topic of locked in, loving this season already.

Danny is hilarious honestly, loving Kaci I think she's opening up so much more and it's been amazing seeing her go from a young girl posting challenge videos with her family to now being 18 and in locked in. I feel like footasylum are doing Tennessee dirty with her screen time, I reckon she's so lovely but they're only showing her bad moments but they have to get content some how. Other than that I'm actually loving them all and I can't imagine the house with any of them missing. Filly's ep was great as well and I'm writing this after watching ep 4 and honestly I can't wait to see what's next. I will be basing a lot of my locked in story on this season cause I love how they're in teams and they have the luxury sweet and jail I think they've defo improved.

But yeah so be expecting some exciting stuff soon cause it is coming.  The locked in story first chap is up so defo go and read it on my page! I know it's taking a while but I'm trying to make the story as detailed as possible, chapter 2 is nearly 3000 words already and I'm not even quarter way thru it. I think there will be about 15 or 16 chapters(minimum 14) and that's not including the character list or introduction. Once im further into writing expect a chapter a day but that won't be til later into the month I'm sorry. Hope you all love the updates coming to this story thooooo and thankyou for being patient💚

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