My king, Kenny

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It's fight night.

Honeys POV
Im so excited, Kenny is fighting today. He has been at the arena all day pretty much and I've been at the hotel, chilling with everyone.
"Are you excited to see Kenny fight" asked AJ
"Yeah I hope he does well" I replied
"All we can do is hope but to be fair he always performs well, even if he doesn't win" Niko added
"Yeah and even when he has lost in the past it's always been a close fight" Chunkz said
"I can't wait to see him knock Nunes out" Skarky replied
It's nice to see how supportive and proud the boys are, he has some good friends.


The pre show just finished and the arena is packed, of course me, AJ, Niko, Sharky, Chunkz, and George were sat ringside. Kenny isn't fighting til at least 11pm but I am excited to watch everyone else.

9fights down, Kenny was about to walk out.


Kenny just walked out and it was AMAZING. It was sad to see that most people in the arena were cheering for Winderson but I knew that wouldn't stop Kenny, it would push him to prove them wrong.

After the fight

No one got knocked out but Kenny did knock down Winderson twice. It was clear Kenny won, the fight wasn't even close. As soon as it ended we all started cheering and the Brazilian fans behind us started throwing alcohol over us and shouting. Honestly I didn't care tho, I was happy to see my man, my boy. As soon as i could i jumped in the ring to congratulate my king, kenny.
I ran up and jumped onto him giving him the tightest hug I'd ever given, showering him with kisses and love. I was forever proud. Then it was time for the judge to announce the winner. We all knew it would be Kenny so Daley got ready to lift him up.
"... and your winner by unanimous decision KIIIIINNNGG KENNYYYYY"
Watching Kenny be lifted by his brother and his face light up was honestly the best moment of my life. When he was put back down I gave him another hug and kiss. He was congratulated by everyone and we all took pictures of us together and him and Winderson.

Kenny's POV

Im so happy I won but honestly there is something better on my mind, my brother passed me a mic he got off the judges. This had been planned for so long. We all knew, apart from honey, that if I won tonight something special would happen.
"Thankyou everyone, I know we don't usually make speaches like this but I wanted to say firstly congrats to Nunes and his team. I know he worked hard. But more importantly, Honey. We have been seeing each other now for 2 whole months. And quite frankly they have been the best 2 months of my life. From the moment I saw you stood at the bottom of my stairs I fell inlove. Not just with your looks but your personality, the fact your so caring and thoughtful, your humour, how friendly you are, your music taste, your fashion sence and of course your looks too I mean damn. So that's why I wanted to ask you live in front of all these people..."

Honeys POV

"... will you be my girlfriend?" Kenny asked
"YES OF COURSE" I shouted down the mic
Everyone cheered, even people that were there for Nunes. I hugged kenny so tightly, never wanting to let go. The rest of our friends and even Winderson congratulated us.

We had left the ring and now Kenny was doing interviews, I was watching from a distance, reliving, in my head, the amazing moment that just happened.
"Excuse me Honey?" A girl around my age asked
"Yeah" I replied a bit confused
"If you don't mind I just wondered how you feel about what just happened, i mean Kenny's big win and also the question he asked"
Kenny walked over and was listening but I hadn't realised
"Honestly I'm so proud of Kenny, he has been working so hard for this moment for what feels like forever. I knew he could do it but watching it happen was surreal. As for his question, I dont know how he's gonna top the proposal" we both laughed and she said thankyou before walking away to interview someone else.
I felt a pair of arms wrap round me and instantly knew who it was.
"Hello my beautiful" kenny said smiling down at me
"Hey baby" I replied so happy to see him
"Shall we get out of here?" He asked
"Yes please" I replied desperate to leave.
Luckily because kenny was fighting, we got to stay in the close hotel so we only walked about 5 minutes. Because we stuck around there was hardly any people either. Just me and my man

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