Mew gave a stern look to his son .

Gemini pouted.

"No body wan Gup...Gup cho bad", Gulf cried loudly.

Mew hugged him gently,"No baby Gup. Those are bad who doesn't want Gup. They don't understand the value of cute little Gup na".

"Maiii ! Gem don wan Gup too. Iz Gem bad ? Nope, Gup's baby son iz no bad", Gup said while crying.

Mew laughed and Gemini rolled his eyes.

Then Mew looked at Fourth,"What's the matter?"

"Actually today he woke up as Gup and bothered his aunt a lot again. So as a result his aunt didn't give him food since morning. That's why he was craving . I wanted to feed him but my mom couldn't finish cooking till then . I am sorry for his behaviour sir", Fourth lowered his head.

Mew sighed! He knows how Gulf's aunt treat him. Gulf is such a burden to her. Fourth's family want to take care of him badly but due to their poverty they actually can't.

"Aunty hit Gup", Gup sobbed again.

"Aigo are you hurt baby Gup?", Mew asked being worried.

Gup showed his palm which was kinda red due to the hit of stick .

Mew got angry but controlled himself,"So sorry Naa... Mewwie will give you some meds. The pain will be vanished soon ".

Mew caressed Gulf's palm and kissed.

Even in this situation, Fourth couldn't help but shipped MewwieGup for a moment in his mind.

Suddenly Gemini tapped Fourth's shoulder. Fourth got startled and looked at him,"What?"

"Wanna take a picture with me? You look good tho ", Gemini said scanning Fourth from head to toe.

Fourth wasn't ready for the proposal and didn't expect the complement either.

He was searching for the reply but Gemini already dragged him to the camera.

Little Gup looked at Mew and giggled.

Little Gup looked at Mew and giggled

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They took a gorgeous photo. Fourth was really looking charming. This dress he bought for Gemini's birthday party from his own savings.

He badly wanted to look decent beside Prince Gem.

After taking the photo Gemini looked at Fourth and found the other also looking at him.

After few seconds they came to the real world when Mew cleared his throat.

He smiled at them ,"Gem, I would like to tell you that I have decided something. From now on Gulf will stay with us. Fourth, I hope you don't have a problem with it. You want him to be taken care of right ?So here I am. Don't worry. And Gulf's aunt will also be happy I guess".

Fourth's jaw almost dropped on the floor. He was too stunned to give a reply.

"Yayyyyy! Evelyday wit Mewwie? Aways Mewwie play play wit Gup?", Gulf was over the moon.

"Yes baby boy!", Mew caressed Gulf's hair and hugged him.

"Yes baby boy!", Mew caressed Gulf's hair and hugged him

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"How about me ? What about my happiness? My opinions have no value right ?", Gemini asked his father and left the place.


Finally this Panda Cub is back !!

I know nobody missed this Cub 🙃 but how about Gup? Did anybody even miss him ?😞

Well, if you guys are still here let me know your thoughts and vote if you like it. 🙂

See you soon.

Feel free to correct me.

(Pic credit goes to the owners )

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