"We have a crisis at hand." Admiral DeGill said when Dede landed next to him, Sparky and X-5. "I'm certain the Chameleon is after the zacoolian Gemstones."

"We should shut the circus down. Try to find him." Dede suggested.

"Oh, it's too late for that. We panicked the audience and have to give back the gemstones." Admiral DeGill decided. "No. The show must go on. But those jewels must be protected."

Dede stands there, thinking of a new idea before she snaps her fingers, finally thinking of something. "I have an idea. Sparky, X-5 and I are all Galactic Guardians. We'll join the circus's performers and guard the gemstones undercover." Dede runs backstage and is quick to return with some costumes. "You can be a lizard tamer."

"Hmm. OK." Sparky said looking at the outfit that Dede gave him.

"I'll perform a Galactic Trapeze." Dede grabbed her own costume before turning to look at the last member of her team. "And you, X-5, will be a clown."

"One of those lunar crist creatures who falls down all the time? I don't think so. I'm no clown." X-5 denied but as soon as he said the word clown the costume shakes and laughs. "That costume just laughed at me."

As the circus show continued more and more galactic guardians were all doing their own tricks. "And that was Atomic Rodger and his amazing sword swallowing!" Admiral DeGill announced as Rodger walked over with his sword in his mouth. "Good job, Rodger!"

"Thank you sir!" Rodger saluted before he walked out of the circus ring.

"And now, we present our next feat of the day, the Fearless Fire Belching Lizard Tamer!" Admiral DeGill announced as Behind the curtain, a nervous Sparky is shaking.

"Stop shaking." X-5 said. "At least your costume isn't an embarrassment." His costume laughs again and he sighs. "Remember, as long as you don't startle lizards, they can be quite gentle."

A still nervous Sparky walks into the ring where there is a cage of fire lizards. Before Sparky can start, his legs get wrapped with the rope and he trips onto the ring causing the crowd to laugh at him. "My name's Sparky. Nice to meet ya." Sparky said, looking nervously at the lizards in the cage. He gets his whip ready and the lizards roar at him. This causes him to be sent flying.

The Chameleon watches and laughs then he disguises himself as a mouse. He sneaks over to the lizard cage and frightens them, causing them to scream. They break out of their cage and scream along with Sparky.

"Sparky, don't panic them!" Dede tried to calm her friend down from her position next to the box of gems.

"Panic them?! What about me?!" Sparky asked rhetorically, While Dede runs over to give Sparky a hand, the Chameleon appears and gets ready to steal the gemstones. Dede faces the lizards and Sparky dodges their incoming fire breath and jumps onto one of their backs. It wines and gallops like a horse. Dede jumps onto one of their heads that tried to spit fire at her and then onto their back. The two lizards then begin to fight.

X-5 appears on the ring trying to get the lizard's attention. "Look! Over here!" The costume's head takes out a boot and kicks him, making the audience laugh at him. "This is not what I had in mind."

As the Chameleon is about to unlock the chest with the gemstones, one of the lizards breathes fire at him, burning his bottom. He screams in pain and the crowd laughs again, thinking it was part of the act. He jumps into a barrel of water and sighs in relief as the crowd cheers. "You burnt my butt, Atomic Candy!"

After that little disaster was dealt with, Admiral DeGill announced the next performance. "And now, high above the pit of Ravenous Pitzovipres, Atomic Candy will perform on the Galactic Trapeze!" Dede bows before the snake creatures appear from a trap door.

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