"That's what our 6th grade teacher used to say remember" you say fiddling with the whiteboard pen he's oblivious to.

"Yeah, Mr Devons, didn't you have a crush on him?" he laughs.

"No!, how would you know, why would I ever say it aloud, IF I did" you scowl swinging your leg into his gently.

"It's the only class you actually tried in."

"Maybe I was trying to get my life on track" you shrug.

"In only one class?" He says huffing as he shifts papers and folders around. "You're sitting on my pen."

"No, I'm not" you say.

"Stand up" he says. You get up from the desk only to confirm your statement.

"I've lost it then" He mumbles putting his hands on his hips as he looks around. You hoist yourself back up looking down at the pen you held.

"Give me that" he says with a chuckle while he takes the pen.

"It was in plain sight how'd you miss it" you smile.

I watch as his smile falters slightly. "What happened?" He asked. You followed his eyes down to your thigh, the folded hem of your loose shorts showing a bruise.

You furrowed your brows, lifting your thigh up slightly and looking more only to find more faint bruises. You fixed your shorts before shrugging.

"Not sure" you said as an excuse. You were very sure about how you got them, even the outlines of the bruises gave it away.

He shrugged taking the cap of the pen off and handing it back to you. He walked back over to the board, and you looked around the empty class.

"What class is Kai in right now?" You asked.

"No clue" Jasper shrugged. You put the cap on your finger, fiddling around with it. A soft knock at the door made both you and Jasper look over.

"Uh hey, just looking for geography- uh" He took a moment to check his paper. "With Mrs. C?" He adds.

"Uh yup, just up the stairs and last door on the first hall" Jasper says with a smile. The student nods, walking away with books and all sorts under his arms.

"Who's that?" You ask, not really caring but looking to avoid a silence.

"New student, he was in my 4th period class, seems nice" Jasper reports back.

You picked up a stack of his neon sticky notes and flipped through the blank papers aimlessly. "Another new student" you say.

"Well yeah, but you're not exactly new" He laughs.

"Good for my ego that I fit in" you grin.

He chuckles with a nod, his eyes flicking around for a moment before a look of remembrance flashes across his face and he turns to you. "Where's the cap?" He asks walking over.

"Oh, I dropped it" you said holding up the sticky notes like you'd found a new toy to play with it.

He looked around, "under the desk" you said as he groaned.

"Didn't even pick it up" he says shaking his head.

You shrugged, "your cap" He chuckles, looking under the desk for it. You take advantage and nudge him with your shoe.

"Cut that out" He mutters, "found it" he says after a moment. He lifts himself and you try keeping him down with a shoe on his shoulder to no avail.

He kneels while holding the cap up. A sharp knock at the door takes both your attention for a second time and you see the art teacher.

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