Chapter 6

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December 2006

"Ara, what's going on?" Regulus asked.

They were hidden in an alcove behind one of the doors of the Great Hall.

"I helped Remus," she started, "like I told you yesterday, and he seemed fine last night, except for his shaking, but I haven't seen him yet and he could be hurt or, or he could be still out there,"

"Ara," Regulus said, trying to get her attention before she spiraled.

"But maybe he's fine and is just resting, or not, he might not be, or maybe he was allergic to something in the potions! I should have tested him first, I shou-"

"Ara!" He grabbed her frantically waving hands and pulled them towards his body. "I am sure he's fine. He's probably in the Hospital Wing. We can go check on him."

"Let's go now!" Kiara tried to turn away, but Regulus pulled her back.

"Eat first. You won't be any help if you haven't eaten."


"Just a little. We go back, eat a bun and then we head off. Ok?" He leaned down a bit to see her eyes. "Ok?"

Kiara nodded and he walked towards the Great Hall, pulling him with her.

After Kiara grabbed a bun and ate it under Regulus' watchful gaze, they made their way over to the Hospital Wing. They weren't quite rushing, thanks to Regulus, but walking quite purposefully, nonetheless. Luckily, most of the school was at breakfast so they didn't have to worry about his parents finding out he was talking to Kiara. He just hoped no one noticed him leaving the Slytherin table suspiciously right after Kiara did. He remembered the first time he went home after meeting her, and the change that followed.

December 2003

Sirius had stayed at school, leaving Regulus alone to face the brunt of their parent's frustration. Regulus had just finished unpacking what little he brought back into his drawers when his mother stormed into the room. He had seen her simmering anger at the train station and knew her outburst was inevitable.

"Why have I heard you have been fraternizing with Kiara Hope?" His mother asked in an eerily calm voice.

Regulus straightened his spine, trying to steel himself against the unavoidable questioning. He knew his parents wouldn't be happy about him being friends with a Hufflepuff, but he didn't know it would cause this much trouble. Kiara had been the first person to care about him, not his house or his name or anything else. He never realized how much others judged him and pretended to care, until her. When he thought back on all of the people he had counted as childhood friends he noticed that they all just tolerated him. They were more focused on his brother, but when Sirius became a Gryffindor, everyone, including his parents, shifted their attention and expectations to him.

"Are you going to answer me?" she demanded, shaking him from his thoughts.

"I'm sorry mother," he paused, trying to think of a believable reason, other than her finding him in tears. "She helped me with something and I had to return the favor, otherwise I would be indebted to her."

His mother seemed slightly satisfied with his answer, "Fine, but you cannot be seen with her ever again."

"But why?" The words burst out.

"Why? You dense child, didn't you listen when I was teaching you about the Sacred Twenty-eight? Of course not. If only Sirius hadn't turned out a traitor." She glared at Regulus like it was his fault. "I guess I will have to give you a lesson now."

"The Travers are a well respected family. They have always been faithful to our ways. That was until Hope Travers, granddaughter of Torquil Travers, one of the greatest heads of the DMLE. She was once their prized heir, poised and elegant. Everyone wanted her to marry into their family and have her distant cousin become the next Lord Travers but the family decided to let her husband take the role. She was the most envied witch of her age but she threw it all away.

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