chapter twenty seven

Start from the beginning

"True." Lottie replied as they began to approach the campsite. They slowed to listen out for any noises they indicated Scott and Derek were there. Or Boyd and Cora. Lottie began to circle round the campsite, splitting up from Isaac as she heard nervous breaths puffing out air in the cold night. She spotted who she assumed to be Cora, closing in on a teenage girl in the middle of the campsite.

Rolling her shoulders back, Lottie took a deep breath and leapt, landing on Cora's back and knocking her to the ground. The teenage girl stepped back in shock, into the arms of Isaac who moved her back, to a somewhat safer distance, before he closed in with a devious smile on his face. Isaac loved a fight. Lottie was flung off Cora's back into Isaac's arms as Cora ran at them. Leaping out of Isaac's arms, Lottie narrowly dodged an attack as Cora swiped her claws at the pair.

Cora dug her claws into Isaac's jacket and with an eye-watering amount of strength she launched him across the clearing, Lottie winced as he crashed into a tree with a crack. Cora began to charge at him when Lottie stood in her path, blocking her. "See, one day we're gonna be friends..." Lottie started as she transformed into her on-land siren form, unsheathing her claws as they glistened in the light of the full moon. She swiped a claw across Cora's torso as the werewolf roared in fury, "...But that day isn't today." She finished as the two began to fight.

"Can't you just use your juju on her?" Isaac called out as he slowly stood as Cora started for Lottie, swiping her claws out with no real aim, just pain.

"Well given the fact I haven't mastered it without eye-contact and crazy over here won't look me in the eye, I don't wanna risk it." Lottie groaned as Cora slashed her arm, leaving four deep claw marks in its wake as Lottie was flung to the side and Cora went for Isaac again.

Scott appeared from the trees, leaping over Isaac and took Cora down, sending her crashing back with force. Even as Scott landed though, Cora was scrambling back to her own feet, only now she faced four opponents as Derek arrived and bared his fangs, roaring at his sister in challenge. Quickly scanning her surroundings, Cora began to retreat as she saw Lottie stand and make her way towards her, eventually she ran off, gunning for the darkness. Derek immediately followed with Isaac quick on his heels after sending Lottie a nod. She turned to Scott who was making his way over to the teenager still frozen in shock - she'd witnessed everything.

"Are you okay?" Scott asked the girl who just stared into the clearing in shock.

"Wha-What-" She stuttered out as Lottie glanced at Scott with a tense look on her face - the last thing they needed was a witness.

"Are you alright?" Scott asked again, sighing in relief when the girl gave a bewildered nod. "You have to get out here, okay? Get out of the woods. Get out as fast as you can." Scott instructed sternly. The girl turned to run but Lottie grabbed her arm, a little too tightly, stopping her from going anywhere.

"Not so fast my love." Lottie smiled, turning the girl to face her directly, ignoring Scott's panicked looks. "You're going to forget out faces. All of our faces. We are just faceless figures. You panicked. You don't remember our faces at all." Lottie compelled, covering their asses, knowing that if she was in the girls position she'd be straight to Papa Stilinski's office.

"I don't remember your faces." The girl replied dazed as Lottie grinned and released her.

"Perfect. Now run." Lottie instructed, watching as the girl sprinted away before turning to a stern looking Scott.

"You shouldn't have done that. She wouldn't have told anyone." He scolded.

"Oh. I'm sorry. I didn't realise that being a werewolf also made you psychic! Do you use a crystal ball or do you have a third eye I need to keep a lookout for?" Lottie mused sarcastically.

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