Toshiro's Bizarre relationship's.

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Author's Note: Is that a bird, Is that a plane. No it's something society is not very good at accepting.

Toshiro took a meditative breath as he focused inward communing with the essence of Yoshiro residing within the stigmata. After months of training he was steadily gaining control and insight into this profound power.

Yoshiro's guidance flowed into his mind, shaping chaotic Honkai energy into ordered form. Toshiro visualized each particle coming to align harmoniously, like atoms arranging into a perfect crystal lattice.

The raging torrent became smooth reflective pools resonating with his consciousness. Instead of resisting the Honkai, he learned to move with that cosmic force guiding rather than struggled against the inexorable current.

As Toshiro opened his eyes wisping trails of violet vapor swirled lazily around him. But this time they responded utterly to his will harmless yet brimming with poised potential.

His understanding still fell far short of Yoshiro's but the progress heartened Toshiro. Perhaps these abilities did not have to spell calamity if handled responsibly.

Footsteps behind him broke his concentration no doubt Kiana coming to check he hadn't mysteriously vanished again during his brief solo meditation. Toshiro smiled ruefully. Her overprotectiveness, while stifling at times arose from love.

No matter the power he wielded he was still simply Toshiro to them. And he would never stop fighting to remain worthy of their trust.

Toshiro decided to take the advice of Yoshiro and ask Kiana, Mei, Bronya and Theresa to partake in a polyamorous relationship with him, Afterall he came to love them all and Yoshiro also wanted Raitoshika lineage to continue.

So with some encouragement from Yoshiro, Toshiro went and call the girls into the living room and asked the questions. Lest say at first he received some beating but after four hours of discussion they agreed to it, Since in the end they loved each other and didn't want anyone to feel left out.

Toshiro released a heavy breath as Kiana, Mei, Bronya and Theresa finally agreed to try a polyamorous relationship after much initial shock and flustered hesitation. Yoshiro's advice to be forthright had clearly been wise.

"I know this is unorthodox" Toshiro said gently. "If anyone has doubts or changes their mind you need only say so. What matters most is our bonds together in whichever form."

Kiana surprised him then by suddenly leaning in and planting a quick kiss on his lips. "You worry too much Tosh." she said with a playful smile. "Unconventional is our specialty right?"

The others voiced their agreement tensions giving way to anticipation of this new closeness. Toshiro's heart swelled with love for these open minded souls.

Mei took his hand violet eyes tender. "However we choose to care for each other it changes nothing between us. We faced the end of the world together romance is nothing."

"Communication and consent are key. But I believe this could be positive/" Bronya logically added.

Theresa simply hugged Toshiro tightly in response. He returned the embrace breathing in her comforting scent. Together they could weather any hardship so long as their trust remained unbroken.

The days ahead would no doubt bring complex negotiations and awkward moments. But Toshiro had faith their bonds ran deeper than any fleeting discomfort. They were his world and he theirs.

Come what may, they would walk forward hand in hand their fates entwined by choice rather than destiny. Neither gods nor stars could shake their union.

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