Interrupted Introduction's

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Author's Note: Hello entity's, I hope you are having a nice day and enjoy the story. Also be ready to hang in a cliff after the next part for about a day. If you are reading this after 2023/11/5 then you are all good.

Then a short girl with snowy white hair and bright blue eye's wearing a nun like dress entered the room. Toshiro immediately identified the girl as Theresa apocalypse.

Toshiro did a double take as Theresa Apocalypse approached. While he had met several familiar faces already, seeing the Theresa still took him by surprise.

"Hello Kiana who is this with you?" Theresa asked in her soft voice.

"This is Toshiro, he just arrived in the city and doesn't remember much. I'm helping show him around," Kiana replied.

Toshiro gave a polite wave. "Nice to meet you..." He trailed off realizing he should avoid referring to her by name before being introduced.

"I'm Theresa Apocalypse," she said with a smile. "It's a pleasure."

Toshiro's mind spun as he exchanged greetings with the legendary S-Rank Valkyrie and self proclaimed "Worlds number one cutie". The unknown voice's words about his family being tied to the Apocalypse house flashed through his mind. Did Theresa know anything about that connection?

Before he could dwell on it further an alarm suddenly blared throughout headquarters. Red emergency lights flashed to signal an imminent threat.

"Honkai beast attack detected near the harbor" an announcement rang out. "All available personal, please deploy immediately"

In an instant, the lounge exploded into activity as the women sprang into action. Mei and Kiana raced off to suit up, while Himeko and Theresa went to grab weapons. This was it Toshiro's first look at an actual Honkai incursion.

"I'll be back after we drive them off!" Kiana called to him. "Stay put where it's safe!"

As Toshiro's heart pounded one thought filled his mind, he had to do whatever it took to assist the Valkyries. This was his chance to prove himself.

Suddenly the time seems to halt as the unknown voice spoke again.

The unknown voice: Hey there, do you like how this is going. Of course you do since you seems very pleased. But anyways why don't you help those cute girls. Oh yeah you don't have any powers to help them. How about I activate your family's stigmata until you help them.

With those words Toshiro felt a pain in his right hand, when he looked at his hand he saw a star shaped spiral mark that is glowing dark purple. Then purple lines spread though his right hand like a honkai infection and stopped at his right eye. He felt like his vision, strength, reaction time and healing is greatly improved. Then a katana with glowing purple translucent blade and black and red swirling patterned hilt manifested in his right hand.

The unknown voice: This is not even the full power of your family stigmata, but now you should be able to see things in slow motion and react to them and even copy and memories them. Now go help them and enjoy the question they ask afterwards about those lines that looked like honkai radiation sickness.

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