Interrupted peacetime and strange puppet's.

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Author's Note: We all know what those strange puppets are so enjoy.

Toshiro sighed as he once again found himself escorted outside headquarters by Kiana, Mei, and Bronya acting as his bodyguards. Ever since word of his lineage got out, leaving unaccompanied had become impossible.

Between Schicksal's interest in recruiting him and overly eager fans, the risk was too great. But having three battle ready Valkyries glued to his side 24/7 still felt stifling at times.

As they walked, Toshiro noticed several girls eyeing him and whispering. When one approached to flirtatiously ask for his name, Kiana's glare sent her scurrying away.

Mei touched his arm reassuringly. "It's for your safety. There are too many unknown factors."

"I know, I just feel bad you're all forced to babysit me when you have more pressing duties" Toshiro replied.

"Nonsense, protecting family is never a burden" Kiana declared passionately though her blush implied alternate motives as well.

Family or not, Toshiro found it touching how readily they had accepted him as one of their own. "I really do appreciate everything thank you all." he said earnestly.

The Valkyries beamed back at him. "Once things calm down, restrictions can ease up" Bronya added logically. "For now, lean on us."

Toshiro nodded, feeling his mood lift. Being seen as someone needing protection still bruised his pride. But knowing it came from their care for him softened the blow.

He would repay their kindness a hundredfold once his power grew. For now he resolved to be patient and use this time under their wing to better understand the world and his place in it.

With perseverance, his chance to break free and forge his own path would come. The fire of destiny burned in his soul, he needed only wait for the proper spark.

But their peaceful walk was interrupted by the intercom systems as Theresa and Dr. Tesla connected.

"I am sorry to bother your alone time with Toshiro girls. But have received some concerning information about people going missing or acting very weird. Also some of Anti Entropy mecha's went crazy and tried to attack people, But some of our personal's nearby manage to those disable those mecha's." said Dr. Tesla.

"Also we found something that might be linked to these incidents." said Theresa.

Theresa then showed few weird looking puppets that seems to look by at them through the camera's in the intercom system.

Toshiro's blood ran cold at the sight of the sinister puppets, instantly recognizing them from his Honkai Impact 3rd knowledge. They could only mean one thing the Herrscher of Domination was active in this era.

He opened his mouth tempted to warn his companions about the grave threat those puppets represented. But at the last moment he stopped himself. As far as they knew he was unfamiliar with Honkai lore prior to his arrival. Revealing too much would raise dangerous questions.

So instead, Toshiro arranged his features into a puzzled frown. "Those puppets definitely seem connected to the strange events" he said carefully. "But I'm afraid I don't recognize them or know anything about their purpose."

Kiana and the others studied the puppets intently clearly unnerved. "They give me the creeps" Kiana muttered. "It's like they're watching us."

"We must investigate this matter swiftly" Theresa said her expression grave. "I fear that these incidents might be related to a herrscher."

Toshiro nodded stomach twisting. He longed to warn them of the god like being controlling those puppets. But all he could do was pretend ignorance and brace for the coming storm.

"I'm here to help however I can" he offered, hoping it sounded genuine.

Inside his thoughts raced. How long could he keep up this charade before the Herrscher's arrival forced his hand? And when that time came would he be ready for the challenges ahead?

For now, all he could do was offer his blade against the gathering shadows and pray his small light might somehow steer them to a brighter future.

Author's Note: Hey can you kind entiy's give me some good new anime's to watch. 

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