Adjusting to the new life part 2.

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Time seems to stop as Toshiro was dragged inside his consciousness. He saw a weird floating cube that radiate large amount of energy. Then he heard something similar to his own voice speaking to him.

The unknown voice: Hah Toshiro Raitoshika, I know you were confused about how you end up here. But let me tell you It has something to do with me. But I will not reveal my identity for now, but you might discover some new things. Oh also be careful I made some changes so Raitoshika family is related both Apocalypse and Kaslana families. And as of now you are the last member of Raitoshika family. Also Raitoshika family has a very unique power you will see in the future. For now good luck.

Then the voice stopped as time start to flow again.

Toshiro's head was spinning as time resumed around him. Had he just imagined that strange voice and the floating cube? But it had seemed so real...

The voice's words echoed in his mind. Somehow his family was now related to both the Apocalypse and Kaslana houses? And he possessed unique powers?

Toshiro shook his head sharply. He couldn't get distracted not when Kiana was here waiting for a response. He would have to puzzle over the meaning of the voice's cryptic message later.

"Is everything okay?" Kiana asked, noticing his dazed expression. "You spaced out for a second there."

"Yeah, I'm fine," Toshiro said quickly. "Just...lost in thought I guess. Still trying to process everything. Shall we get going?"

Kiana gave him a reassuring smile. "No worries, it's a lot to take in. Once we get back to HQ, we'll figure everything out."

As they continued down the beach, Toshiro's mind raced. He now had confirmation that his family history in this world had been altered. And apparently he had dormant powers waiting to be awakened.

While part of him was uneasy, a larger part felt excited at the possibilities ahead. Maybe this new lineage would grant him strength needed to survive as the last of his kind. He would become a force for good in this conflict ridden land.

But first he had to focus on playing his role convincingly and learning all he could about the state of the world. With Kiana's help perhaps he would gain the knowledge needed to unlock his potential.

Once they reached Anti Entropy HQ, Kiana started to introduce Toshiro to everyone there.

Kiana led Toshiro through the sleek corridors of Anti Entropy headquarters casually greeting various Valkyries and personnel as they passed by. Toshiro tried to keep up while taking in the high tech surroundings, still stunned to be walking through a place he knew only as pixels on a screen.

"This is the training room, where we hone our combat skills," Kiana explained ushering him into a spacious area lined with training equipment and weapon racks. Toshiro watched in awe as a group of Valkyries practiced maneuvers nearby.

Next Kiana showed him the bridge, bustling with activity as staff coordinated missions and monitored Honkai energy levels. "And this is where all the action is directed. Our eyes and ears on everything happening in the city."

As they continued the impromptu tour, Kiana introduced Toshiro to some familiar faces. "That's Mei  she's our ace Valkyrie, captain of Squad V. And there's Bronya, she provides tech support and valuable intel."

Toshiro did his best to greet them normally while his inner fanboy freaked out. He was meeting characters he had only controlled in game.

Their last stop was the headquarters lounge, where Kiana called out to a young woman with long red hair absorbed in reading. "Hey Himeko Come meet Toshiro, he's new here."

Himeko glanced up with a smile. "Hi there, welcome to AE. I'm Murata Himeko, one of the instructors."

Toshiro nodded, trying not to stare. "Nice to meet you all. Thanks for the warm welcome." He was beyond grateful for Kiana's help acclimating to this reality. But now came the hard part  actually attempting to find his place in it.

Author's Note: Hold your horses entity's that's reading this, I am sure you are wondering if I did mixed up Schicksal and Anti Entropy together. Well since this is a alternative timeline, Anti Entropy use Valkyrie's too.

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