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Peter was sitting in science class at Family Guy Academy, beside Lois as usual. Quagmire and Joe sat behind them.

"And if you look at the molecules, you'll reali- oh! That's the bell! Remember your partner assignments, everybody. Let me make the groups before you leave." said the teacher, Principal Shepard.

"Please put me with peter, please put me with peter..." Prayed Quagmire. He really wanted to be with peter. If you couldn't tell.

"Quagmire, You'll be with... Lois!"

"wait... That doesn't like peter!"

Because it wasn't.

It wasn't peter.

"And joe... you'll be with peter!"

As everybody piled out of class, Peter grasped Lois' hand as she tried to leave. Quagmire's heart dropped, bc why was he touching her hand?

"Lois... There's something I want to talk about. I'm just not sure how to bring it up."

"Petah, what is this?" worried Lois. "You're not breaking up with me right?"

"No, no of course not! I would never, I love you Lois." said peter.

"Alright. Just know you can talk to me about anything. I love you too, Petah." said Lois. She kissed him on the cheek.

There was a moment of silence as she pulled him in and held him close. if she knew it would be the last time, maybe she would've held him a little tighter. 

"Lois, I just... I just can't see myself marrying you."

Lois was taken aback. Of course she had her moments, but for the most part she had never even thought of marriage.

"P-petah, we're still young. We don't have to think about marriage just yet."

Peter sighed. He knew the marriage thing was an excuse, but didn't know how to bring up what was next without making himself sound like a jerk.

"Lois, it just feels like every time I say I love you... I mean it less and less," said peter. 

okay first of all, what a cringey line? if you're gonna break up with your girlfriend, i think she would PREFER the whole, "it's not you... its me" speech. 

At this point, Lois was on the verge of tears. They both stood hand in hand, by the door. Looking into each others eyes, practically alone. All that remained was a quagmire, watching through the door hopelessly.

"So... you are breaking up with me then." said Lois, her voice breaking. Tears were starting to stream out of her eyes, but she couldn't control it.

"Well... Yeah. I'm sorry, Lois."

At this point Lois had collapsed, and was crying into Peter's arms. Screaming, sobbing, uncontrollably.

"What can I do to fix this, Petah? I... I still love you. So much." managed Lois, through endless tears. It was true. She was utterly and hopelessly in love with him.

"There's nothing you can do, Lois. I knew I was going to break up with you. Just... I didn't know it would be today." said Peter. What a fucking jerk.

"I... I just don't know what to say, Petah." sobbed Lois.

"You don't have to say anything at all." said Peter.

But she wanted to. Lois wanted to scream at him. Yell at him. Lois wanted so badly to complain about how nice he had been all day. About how he had talked up hanging out after class so much, about how he had talked up the day he planned so much. But, more than anything, she just wanted to hug him.

She wanted to hold him close, so close that they'd combine if they had held on any tighter. She wanted to fix things, she wanted everything to go back the way it had always been. Cuddling, playing scrabble together, taking Brian for walks late at night even when they had school the next day, walking back to Lois' place after rehearsals just for fun. And still, she wanted to scream so many things at him.

But she couldn't let out a word. As hard as she tried, all she could do was sob into Peter's arms.

"Hey Lois..."

Don't say it, peter. Don't you dare say what you're about to say.

"You know I still love you... right?" said peter. It seemed so genuine. It felt like maybe he really meant it. But of Lois knew, it was just another lie.

"If you love me, then why are you breaking up with me?" sobbed Lois.

Of course he had no response. He didn't really love her. She was just another girl to peter. He didn't care about her. He never posted her, he barely tried to make plans first, and he never even wore the matching rings that Lois had bought them all those years ago. She had felt like he hated her throughout the entire relationship. Even though he said he loved her, she never really believed him. Turns out... she was right to think so.

"I don't know what to do now." said peter.

"I think you should probably leave." managed Lois, through her softly wept tears.

And so he left, not a single word. He passed Quagmire on the way out.

"Hey." he said. And just as quickly as he had said greeted, he was gone. 

Peter x Quagmire- heartbreakWhere stories live. Discover now