Chapter V

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In the WatchTower, Batman can't believe Decade beat the Outsider.

Green Lantern: C'mon, Bruce. You can't push yourself to capture him.

Batman: I have to capture him before he do anything else.

The Flash: But he doesn't seem to be dangerous. Right, Clark?

Superman: Yes, you're, Barry. Bruce, if you push yourself, he might go somewhere further from here. It better to talk to him maybe he can a member of the Justice League.

Batman: Fine. But I have to find him where is he.

Somewhere in Arkansas, Duke is walking in a town. Just then he heard an alarm ringing at the bank and was stealing money from the bank. He pull out his card and open the side handle and insert it into the Neo Decadriver and close it. He transform into Kamen Rider Decade.

Man 1: C'mon! Let get out of here!

Decade: I don't think so.

The two man look at Decade and we're confused. Decade pull out his card and insert it into the Neo Decadriver and close it.

Kamen Ride: Kabuto! Change Bettle!

He turn into Kabuto and he pull out his card again and insert it into the Neo Decadriver and close it.

Attack Ride: Clock Up!

He then dash toward them and send to the police station. He then go back to the position he stand.

D-Kabuto: That was easy.

Flash: Wow. That was fast, kid.

D-Kabuto turn around and saw three heroes. Flash, Green Arrow and Cyborg. He pull out his card but then Cyborg raise his left hand and turn into a blaster and aim him but Green Arrow stop him.

Green Arrow: Listen, kid. We not here to capture you. We here to talk. You know conversation.

Flash: Trust us, kid. We not here to capture you. We here to talk.

D-Kabuto: You think I will talk to you guys? I don't think so.

He insert the card and close it.

Kamen Ride: Zi-o! Kamen Rider! Zi-o!~

The giant clock appear behind Decade and the two arrow clock spin then he turn into Kamen Rider Zi-o. He charge toward them and do some kick and punch them. The three heroes dodge his attack.

Flash: Um... I don't think he going to kill us, am I right, Arrow?

Green Arrow: Yeah.....

Cyborg: I don't care about that. But we need to take him down!

Cyborg charge toward Zi-o and deliver a punch on him and sent him to the ground. Zi-o try to wake up and stand up. He look at Cyborg and he grab his sword and charged toward him and slash on him but doesn't hurt him. Cyborg smirk and grab him and tossed him from a few meters and was sent to abandoned building.

Green Arrow: Cyborg.

Cyborg: What? I always do that.

Flash: Better check on him if he okay.

At the abandoned building, Zi-o stand up and pull out his card.

Zi-o: Maybe I can use this.

Flash, Green Arrow and Cyborg go the abandoned building and surrounded Zi-o.

Green Arrow: Listen, kid. We don't want to hurt you.

Zi-o: Do you think I care to listen about that? Of course not.

He insert the card and close it.

Zio BuildArmor! Armor Time! (Electronic rock music) Best Match! Build!

A projector of Build Armor doing his signature pose. The group were confused about this. Zi-o touch the armor and it split and attached on Zi-o and turn himself into Zi-o BuildArmor.

Cyborg: Okay..... That's new.

Flash: Cyborg, you better don't mess up with him.

Cyborg: What?! Do you think I'm going to tossed him again?!?

Zi-o: Enough talking. Let fight metal head!

Zi-o charge toward Cyborg and use his Drill Crusher Crusher hit him on his body. Cyborg fall down and look at Zi-o BuildArmor.

Cyborg: You hit me with a drill? How hilarious is that.

Zi-o: This is no ordinary drill. This is what you called Drill Crusher Crusher.

Cyborg: Drill Crusher Crusher? I think you need to remove the Crusher.

Cyborg and Zi-o dash toward and punch eachother. Cyborg try to punch him but Zi-o avoid it and slash him on his body. Zi-o then deliver a roundhouse kick on him.

Cyborg: C'mon! You think you strong enough to beat me?!!?

Zi-o: I don't know. But I gonna finish you right now.

Cyborg: Finished me?

Zi-o pull out his card and insert it into the Neo Decadriver and close it.

Final Attack Ride: Z-Z-Z-Zi-o!

He shake his right arm to prepare to finish him. Suddenly, a white chart appear out of nowhere then a Katakana word appear:





Cyborg: Oh C'mon! I can't even read that thing!?

Zi-o: Actually that not my finisher. This is my finisher!

Vortex Time Break!

He then preform his Vortex Time Break. He slide on the white chart and he slashes and stabs Cyborg several times with the Drill Crusher Crusher and Cyborg then explode and fall to the ground. Cyborg try to stand up and saw Zi-o BuildArmor standing in front of him.

Cyborg: Look. I'm sorry to tossed you.

Zi-o: Do you think I forgive you? You just want to capture me!

Flash: Kid, we not here to capture you. We here is to talk with you and we want you to join the League.

Green Arrow: It true. We want you to join the League. The Justice League. We protect the people from evil threats.

Zi-o: You guys just try to corrupt my mind!

Cyborg: It true! Just join the League, dude! We're not here to capture you! We're here to ask you to join the League. Okay! Do you understand right now?!

Zi-o: I. I don't know what to said. I'm sorry.

Flash: Hey, kid. It not your faults. It our fault. We thought you're going to destroy the world.

Zi-o: That okay. It just the nickname for the form.

Green Arrow: So, you're going the League, kid? There a lot of heroes they want to meet you.

Zi-o: Well. I think I will join the League. But promise me that I'm not going give this Neo Decadriver to someone else because this belt is not a weapon.

Flash: I don't know about the promise. But I do know someone will use your belt, Lex Luthor or the US government.

Zi-o: Lex Luthor? Who is that guy?

Green Arrow: We talked about that later.

Cyborg: Yeah. And I'm going to go back home to play my video games!

Flash and Green Arrow look at Cyborg.

Cyborg: What? Isn't that wrong?

Green Arrow: (Sigh) Let go back to the WatchTower.

Decade Or Zi-o? I'm Both Of Them! King Destroyer Of World! [Hiatus]Where stories live. Discover now