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Duke: What a great episode I just watch!!!

Duke shout in excited after watching the new series of Kamen Rider Gotchard. The series just release after a few months. He pull out his phone and open it and then he go to the website and watch his Kamen Rider video. He watch all day long until.

Mother: Rowan! Time to eat!

Duke: I'm coming, mom!

He then go to the kitchen and then he eat it with his family. After the dinner, he go to his room. He sit on the chair and open his laptop and go to the website and watch his Kamen Rider series. After watching, he laid down on his bed and stare at the ceiling.

Duke: I wonder if I become a Kamen Rider? It would be cool and awesome! But that just my imagination. Decade and Zi-o are so cool and awesome. Maybe, I just wish I would be a Kamen Rider in a different world.

He close his eyes and go to sleep. After a few hours of sleeping, he awake in a white void and stand up and look at the surrounding.

Duke: What is this place? Where am I?

???: Hello, Duke-Kun.

Duke turn his head and saw a Japanese man who is a 30 year old man and he have a magenta camera on his neck. He suddenly recognised this man.

Duke: Tsukasa! Is that really YOU!?!

Duke shout in excited.

Tsukasa: Yes, I am. It was nice to see you, Sam.

Duke: Yes, it nice to meet you too, Mr.Tsukasa. Anyway, where am I? I was in my room when I was asleep.

Tsukasa: Well, I don't know what this place is. But I'm here is to talk with you.

Duke: Me? Why?

Duke: I want you to become the new Decade.

Duke: Eh? But why?

Tsukasa: Because my job is done here and there.

Duke: But won't you come back in the 50th anniversary in Kamen Rider Gotchard or a movie?

Tsukasa: No. I won't come back. But I want to you to become the new Decade. Here take this.

Tsukasa pull out his Neo Decadriver and the Rider Book and give it to Duke.

Duke: Um.... Thank you, Mr.Tsukasa. I don't know what to said.

Tsukasa: No problem. Now, it time to wake you up. Goodbye, Duke. Have a new day in another world.

Duke: Another world? Okay. Bye, Mr.Tsukasa. I hope we can meet again!

Duke have his arm and said goodbye to Tsukasa. A bright light flash in front of him and he cover his eyes. He then wake up from his dream and he was laying outside of the street and he was in a big city.

Duke: What the. Where am I? Am I in New York City or something?

He then stand up and walk on the street. He saw some nasty city and a poor man sleeping on the street. As he walk to left corner, he bump to someone who dress as a short gentleman holding a cane and have two bodyguard with a penguin masked.

Duke: I'm so sorry, mister. I didn't see that coming.

Gentleman: Watch where you going, Stupid! Do you know how much is my clothes is?

Duke: I don't know. I'm really sorry.

Gentleman: Do you think I'm going to accept your apology? Boys, get him!

The two bodyguard go toward him. Duke then run away from them. The gentleman and the two bodyguard chase him. He try to run away from them then he saw a dead end of the wall.

Duke: Oh, no. I should I do!

Gentleman: Prefect. Now, hand over me your fancy belt, please.

Duke: Fancy belt? I don't have-

Duke look down and see his waist have a Neo Decadriver and a Rider Book on his left side.

Duke: This is Neo Decadriver.

Gentleman: Neo Decadriver? I never heard of that. Anyway, who are you? A lost kid who doesn't have a parent?

Duke: I'm. I'm just a Kamen Rider passing through, remember that.

He pull out his card and show it to them. The short gentleman and the bodyguard were confused and then they laughed.

Gentleman: Oh, a Kamen Rider? Well, that a funny name. Let me introduce to myself. I'm Oswald Cobblepot or you can call me "The Penguin" the most dangerous villain in this city. Before we beat you like a ragdoll, do you have any last word?

Samson put the card into the Neo Decadriver and close it.

Duke: Yes, I do. Henshin!

Kamen Ride: Decade!

18 symbol appear on both sides and place it on him. He turn into grey and black armour then nine red square go to on his face and his armor change to magenta and black armour. This cause them to flinch.

Penguin: Who the heck are you?!

Decade: I'm Kamen Rider Decade. Ready to destroy the world.

Decade Or Zi-o? I'm Both Of Them! King Destroyer Of World! [Hiatus]Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt