only bought this dress so you could take it off.

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I opened my eyes only to be found in the same situation as I was last night. I fell asleep shortly after I shot Tobi a text while holding Harry tightly in my arms. Looking down I see him still in my embrace causing a smile to play on my face.

I run my icy cold fingers along his burny red cheek, hes cooled down significantly since earlier but still, warm.

Slowly I felt him stir awake and let out a loud sigh.

We locked eyes together and I gave him a sympathetic smile, "how you feeling better?" I asked gently rubbing his cheek as he sat up and leaned into the corner of the sofa facing me.

"yeah I feel less, less like I'm dying" he laughed.

"what do you mean dying?" I laughed aswell.

"well last night was, scary" he started to fidget with his hands and I quickly picked them up. "in what way? Did what 10 bad guys come jumping out at you?" I find myself quite funny and he does to for a second too.

"no dummy no one scared me I just done to much and after that shoot, I was out of breath and it was just a lot, I started feeling dizzy so I ran the car as fast as I could and raced home then it all just went to shit," he rambled on.

I nodded along, I don't think I could ever comprehend how he felt last night, I would never know. But I could tell these past weeks he's been overworking, and it's just exploded everywhere. I wish I told him to stop earlier.

"i think you overworked yourself babe. also I've never seen you like how you were last night what was that whole episode thingy?" I asked, knowledge is limited in my brain, as usual.

"it's called a panic attak," he murmured clearly not wanting to talk about the subject.

"do you have them often?" god someone's being nosey today.

"no no no I had it once but it was early in my career and I didn't know it was one till I told my mum uhm so yeah." he smiled weakly at me.

"well I'm glad you're okay now, and I just want to make it clear never feel like you can't come to me if you're upset or annoyed or angry or anything! you can always come to me I'll always be here. No more hiding." I held out a pinky to shake on it.

"you're always allowed to come to me aswell bentley" he grinned back seductively shaking my pinky and biting his bottom lip.  "ugh stop teasing lewis" i hopped on his lap biting my lip and pulling off my top.

"wow that was- so fucking good" i moaned while naked and cleaning up my juices that were all over the floor.

"yeah now I'm happy" Harry smiled sliding his boxers back on.

"sure sure" i giggled. 

Walking around harrys flat naked felt natural? I don't know but it was just me and him so I really didn't care at this point.

"Harold open the door please" shit freezy. I look at Harry who quickly signals to my room and I lock myself in it, throwing one of his hoodies over my bare body. I made a mental note to myself to remeber not to show under the hoodie as... well, what a sight it'd be.

Creeping out of Harry's room I take a seat on the newly sprayed sofa that we sprayed to get rid of the smell of.. yeah.

"took yous long enough" cal sighed as he just like Harry did collapsed onto the sofa, the same spot me and Harry were fucking at minutes ago.

Me and Harry sniggered to each other, accidentally getting the attention of freezy.

"What is it you lot?" He asked suspicious of us. Me and harry looked at each other then began rolling about like pigs in mud on the floor.

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