made your mark on me, a golden tattoo

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I woke up lying diagonal on the boys L shaped sofa. I was still tired and didn't want to get up all though I knew I had to. Unaware of the time, I flipped my phone over to see... 4pm?! Jesus! Id been sleeping for, 5 hours?! Oh god.

Don't get me wrong I love sleep but that much, I'll be up all night.

I was feeling peckish and decided I was really craving some chocolate after a long slumber. However as I tried to get up I couldn't and felt a heavy weight on my legs.

When I leant over to check what it was, I'd be lying if I said I wasn't pleasantly surprised.

Harry's legs were lay across mine, and freezy was laying just beside him. Honestly if I'd have just walked in this room, not knowing them at all, I'd have thought they were a couple sleeping together they were that close. I laughed to myself and gently lifted Harry's heavy legs off of mine, placing them carefully down on the grey sofa and leaving my resting place.

I got to their neat and tidy kitchen, remembering where just about everything was. I made so many memories in this kitchen, which is incredible considering how small it is.

Me freezy and Harry would have dance battles every night, or me and Harry would dance away to Taylor swift songs in each others arms. Me and Harry would always listen to love songs, as cheesy as it sounds, and look out for the perfect wedding song to dance to because we were sure we were going to get married. Before my fuck up. Honestly if we keep going how we're going, only good things right?

I opened the bottom cabinet and grabbed a large dairy milk bar then taking a seat back on the sofa next to the boys who by the way were STILL sleeping.

I grabbed the tv remote and put on Gilmore girl, my favourite show.

The next hour went by fast, Harry and cal still fast asleep while I sat back and munched on some dairy milk chocolate.

Suddenly while watching the telly, my chocolate magically disappeared from my lap. When I looked down I rolled my eyes before bursting out in giggles.

"You bitch freezy give it back" I said through laughs attempting to grab the chocolate away from him but I was no match. He and his big giraffe length arms were no match.

"fine fine here" he handed me the EMPTY wrapper causing me to go absolutely mental. "Callum Leighton Aiery!" I scream jokingly at him causing us both to laugh before I tell him to shut the fuck up.

"Sorry don't want to awaken your precious boyfriend" he joked , shoving my shoulder whilst getting up and throwing the Cadbury wrapper in the bin.

"He's not my boyfriend shut up, and also let a boy rest im sure he has a busy week ahead!" I defended myself and harry.

"awh bless defending your significant other" he said playfully tickling me causing me to erupt in echoes of laughter im sure the whole of England could've heard me.

Finally we calmed down and layed back into the grey couch. "wait how the fuck has bog not woken up after all of that?" cal asked half joking half serious. How was he not awake after all that.

"cal don't scare me he's fine," I said seriously but smiling, looking down at harry. He was pale and looked a little unwell. I reached down to touch his forehead only to be met with a boiling sensation.

"fucking hell he is burning up like mental!" I said concerned, "get me a thermometer quickly." I shouted to cal.

I nodded a thank you as he passed me over the thermometer, placing my thumb gently under Harry's lower lip, pulling it down allowing his mouth to open and for the thermometer to slide under his tongue. When I pulled it out the stick read,

𝐈 𝐰𝐢𝐬𝐡 𝐲𝐨𝐮 𝐰𝐨𝐮𝐥𝐝 ~ 𝐰𝟐𝐬Opowieści tętniące życiem. Odkryj je teraz