you got that long hair slick back white tshirt

954 3 1

today, harry and cal have decided to throw a party in their flat later in the evening, it will carry through into the early morning.

however right now it's only 12 so it's a while away. Harry's been keeping an eye on me the past 24 hours, making sure I'm okay and that I don't breakdown like I did yesterday. But after a lot of reassurance, he finally let it go.

"hey bubs" I smiled up at him, sipping on my tea.

"hey do you want to film a video with me?" I spat my tea out, all over my couch. I chuckled at my actions. "oh for fucks sakes, yes of course Harry but jesus that caught me off guard"

he laughed down at me slumping himself down into the sofa, sinking in.

"so what video you thinking?" I asked curiously.

"hmmm I don't know maybe... reddit?" he asked.

"sure , that sounds good" I grinned at him.

We went up to Harry's office in his flat and filmed the Reddit "outrageous that by the way!" I laughed. "Like babe, you can't just stick your hands in your boxers , rub a ball on your one's and then pass it to someone," we both erupted in giggles.

"shut up bentley, anyway don't you have a party to be getting ready for?"

"I think I do" I smiled at him brightly.

"be up at mine for 9 okay? And don't be late" he placed a light kiss on my forehead causing me to turn a light shade of pink.

"okay lewis" the smile on my face cannot be wiped off, even when I'm exiting his flat.

All these parties are constantly leaving me exhausted, thankfully it is just a quiet one but I'm unsure if I can be bother or not, but I'll have to make the effort.

All these parties are constantly leaving me exhausted, thankfully it is just a quiet one but I'm unsure if I can be bother or not, but I'll have to make the effort

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i come back stronger than a ninety's trend.


taliamar: power move.
> my fav

wroetoshaw: 🔥🔥
> ml❤️

user1: 🤮🤮
> grow up you pathetic twat x

calfreezy: lanky bum bum🤗
> mate you're so weird😭

freyanightingale: wow wow wow
> motherrr

confidently, in my highest heels, I gracefully floated up the flight of stairs, leading to the boys' flat. The music was blasting so loud.

"hey you" cal answers the door pulling me in "you're first here"

"yeah well Harry told me to be here so , I'm here" I smirked.

Suddenly Harry emerged from his room, wearing a white T-shirt and his hair nice and messy, minimal effort but still, hot.

"hey you" I grinned at him pulling him in for a hug. "I missed you" he cuddled into my neck sweetly.

"it's been a few hours Harry" I laughed. "Still missed you Bentley" that cheeky smile.

"So when's everyone arriving?"

"5 minutes" harry responded, looking around his clean apartment, that won't be clean for much longer causing me to chuckle.

Just like that, our friends started pouring in. The friend group and extended along with their significant others.

Last ones in were Josh and Freya, shocker.

"miss nightingale I think you'll find you are late," I joked tapping her shoulder.

"oh fuck off you hoe" she giggled back.

Me and freya danced hand in hand shaking our asses, alcohol in hand.

The plan for tonight was to get absolutely smashed, so my head was thumping. I hate parties, I can't express it enough. I've been downing drinks all night, my throat burning from the sensation.

Me and talia were about to take our, 10th shot? And I was long gone. As I was about to send the vodka slithering down my throat, a cold hand touched my shoulder.

"that's enough parks" Harry grabbed the drink sternly from my reach.

"ugh you're a p-party pooper" I sighed leaning my head on the table "why can't you just let me have fun you never let me have fun, dickhead,"

"excuse you but I do let you have fun, but I'm not letting you get yourself in a state" he laughed to which I rolled my eyes.

"fuck you harry. I don't even, even want to be here you know. I want to be in my bed. Listen if you weren't here maybe I'd be having more fun" I shouted, to which he walked away visibly taken aback and hurt.

"parks what the fuck was that about?" Ethan came up to me patting my back. "I don't know, he ruined my fun" i whined.

"it's called keeping you safe you idiot, you'll regret those words later, I'm off to find him" Ethan finished grabbing Tobi to come join him on the hunt.

"what do you mean off to find him?" tears daring to fall from my eyes.

"he stormed out" Tobi answered, i very quickly began sobering up.

"wait was he, shaking? breathing heavy uhm crying? Oh shit shit-,"

"hey Parker, he'll be ok, you don't have to go through that again seeing him like that, we'll make sure he's ok. You , enjoy your night. I guess Harry was just a party pooper anyway" Tobi whispered jokingly to me so no one could hear.

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