Her voice was strict. She knew what I was about to do, but I wasn't letting her get in my way. Not this time.

"This contract isn't mine."

I turned to König who looked even more confused then when he saw me in Horangis office.

"I want to sign a pledge with KorTac. This time. Under my own name."

He didn't understand what I was saying. It didn't matter, because Persha did. She got up and slammed her hands on the table.

"Are you out of your mind? You are still bound to Specgru!"

I bit my lip and looked at her, I already spilled it and I can bet König already knew about my acts anyway. He just didn't know the full picture of it.

"Not me."



I shook my head, not caring how heated this would get. Perhaps I was making a mistake, maybe I shouldn't trust König so much.

"Then who's...?"

König was trying to understand the situation. It made me think, if I don't place my trust in him... then where would I put it?

"My brothers."



His voice rang in my ears, and made me keep looking around. Where was he? Was he really here? Would I finally see him again?

I kept on hiding in the ruble of the now destroyed homes, slowly making my way to the source of the voice. I looked at one of the military cars that made it all the way here, that's when I saw him.

My sweet older brother.


I felt tears gather in my eyes, my whole panic and fear disappearing for a second. I started making my way over to him carefully, his squadron made it all the way to this place. Many questions went through my mind, but at that moment I didn't need any of the answers. I just needed him.

When we were a few meters apart he mouthed something I couldn't understand, I saw his face turn into one of horror.


That's when my eyes were blinded by red and I was roughly pushed into the ground. My head and back hitting against the rubble in a painful way, the weight pressing on top of me not making the fall any less bearable. I slowly opened my eyes and screamed in terror, his squad members making their way to us.

Red cast on my eyes


It spilled his blood

In the very end

It filled my heart.


"Your brothers?"

I nodded my head, I watched as Persha sighed and sat back down.

"Is that why you didn't want to transfer the contract?"

"This situation is much more complicated then you think."

Her expression has softened, she looked more tired then angry.

"Then... You weren't even planing on agreeing no matter who would be interested?"

König looked at me and then back at the Major, she simply shook her head.

"We can't let go of Shade, no matter how unfair this may be."

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