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*Ava's p.o.v*

when I saw both of them come back down after half an hour, I saw that Mom had been crying, as soon as they stepped out to the garden, Mom walked up to grandma and told her: 

"what were you thinking?"

grandma frowned and asked:

"what happens now?"

"how dare you tell my daughter information that we hadn't given her yet?"

I walked up to them almost running and said before grandma would answer:

"she didn't mean to Mom"

"but again, she ruined everything once again"

I looked at grandma and saw how her face was turning sad, so I said to Mom:

"okay Mom whatever you say, you didn't tell me anyways, so I'm glad grandma did because I don't want to know what would have happened if she didn't "

Mom was looking at me when I finished and said:

"we would have told you whenever we wanted, you can't expect us to tell you everything that we are thinking to do with you"

"well I actually was kinda hoping you did that"

"well we don't! and don't you ever expect that"

"Scar calm down, you're scaring her" I heard Dad say from behind me

Mom looked at Dad but didn't say anything, and grandma took that moment to say:

"your father and I are leaving right now"

and as she was leaving I said running up to her:

"and I'm going with you" and then added when I was next to her: "you don't mind, do you grandma? I'm going with you tomorrow anyways"

she smiled at me and said:

"of course not dear, of course now" then she stoped for a moment and said: "but you have to go up and pack everything"

"everything?" I asked confused

she nodded and replied:

"yeah, just in case, since we don't know how much time you're going to spend with us"

I nodded and so I ran upstairs and began preparing my bags

after some time I heard how my door opened and both my parents came in:

"what are you doing?" I heard Dad ask

"I'm packing because I'm going with grandma"

there was a silence in which I kept packing until Mom asked:

"are you really doing this?"

I nodded and answered:

"why wouldn't I? she said she would take me tonight when I asked her to"

"do you really want to go?" she asked again

"well this was your plan from the beginning, I'm just doing what I am told"

"but why?" Mom asked again

"because I'm leaving anyways tomorrow, so why don't leave already today" I replied

none of them said anything, so as soon as I had packed everything that was in my room I looked at my parents and said:

"well..." I was silent again for some time before saying: "it was nice while it lasted, thanks for everything, we'll see each other in the next vacation I guess"

both of them nodded and so I left the room slowly to see if they were going to stop me, but since they didn't I got downstairs as fast as the bags let me:

"grandma! grandpa! I'm ready" I said once I was at the door

*Chris's p.o.v.*

"because I'm leaving anyways tomorrow, so why don't leave already today" she said

Scar and I looked at each other but didn't say anything, I knew that this was breaking Scar's heart, and so I was going to say something on her behalf, but before I could say anything Ava said:

"well it was nice while it lasted, thanks for everything, we'll see each other in the next vacation I guess"

I was about to reply when Scar's grip got stronger, I looked at her and she said when Ava had closed the door behind her:

"there's nothing we can do now, she's gone"

I shocked my head and replied:

"we can still get her before she leaves"

we looked for a second to each other and then ran downstairs, we got out of the house to see that Scott was there, so we asked him:

"were are they?"

"if you run you can catch them" he replied

I nodded and thanked him before running as fast as we could to get in the car and left the house to go to Scarlett's parents house

*Ava's p.o.v.*

when we arrived at my grandparents house, grandma showed me around the house before going to the room in which I was going to stay for the night, it was a room big enough for it to have both a big bed and a study table, I left my bags on the floor and didn't worry about not opening them because we were going to leave the next day

we were going back to the living room when the doorbell rang and grandpa opened the door, soon enough both Mom and Dad appeared in the living room crying. Mom was the first one to approach me and give me a hug:

"I'm so sorry for the way we behaved before, please forgive us"

Dad joined the hug and added:

"you don't have to right now, but please think about it okay? we don't want you to go being mad at us"

I nodded and said:

"okay I will think about it"

they let go of the hug and Mom said wiping away her tears:

"we will go over to New York as much as we can, and you will be spending Christmas and the summer vacations with us, okay hon?"

I nodded and without even thinking about it I let go of the tears I was holding and jumped into Dad's arms before saying:

"I'm sorry for everything that I have done and said, I didn't mean them, and of course I forgive you"

I felt how Dad hugged me tightly and how Mom joined the hug a bit later, we stood like that until grandma said:

"well, I'm sorry to interrupt, but we were going to go for dinner"

"can they come?" I asked grandma from my Dad's arms

she smiled and nodded before saying:

"of course they can honey"

I smiled and whispered to Dad:

"can I go like this to the car?, I'm very comfortable"

he laughed and answered:

"of course you can bubs"

"yay" I said smiling

"okay guys, let's get going if we don't want to lose our table" we heard grandpa say from the front door

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