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*later that day*

*Chris's p.o.v.*

it was already four forty five so I decided to head to Meg's house to pick up Ava, so I stood up from the couch and asked:


"yeah Chrissy?" I heard her ask

"where are you hon?" I ask again

"kitchen" she replied

I walked there and saw that she was preparing the food for when my family arrives, I didn't say anything and approached her from behind, when I was behind her, I hugged her and made her jump a little bit, she turned around and looked at me in the eyes, laughing a bit:

"you scared me Chrissy"

I smiled at her and approached her to give her a kiss, she kissed me back and we kept kissing until we heard the microwave stop, making Scar let go so, while she took the sauce out, I told her:

"I'm going to pick up Ava from Meg's house okay?"

she nodded and looked at me before she said:

"what if we eat outside in the garden?"

I smiled at her and asked:

"tell me, how many people were we going to be?"

"well let's see, it's your siblings and their families plus your parents and mine and the three of us so..." she replied, and then went silent for a bit before continuing "that would make sixteen people in total"

I nodded and replied:

"okay hon, then eating outside in the garden sounds amazing"

she smiled at me as she came up to me and pecked me on the lips:

"now go get our daughter, that I've missed her"

I smiled at her and gave her a quick kiss before leaving, I was starting to like living like this, I liked coming back to a place that I could call home and that my daughter and girlfriend were part of it, I realised in that moment that, that slowly I was getting the life that I had always wanted

*time skip to Meg's house*

I texted Avie that I was going to be there in fifteen minutes when I got in the car, and so when I got there and I looked to the house, I saw that everyone else was already out too

I waved at Ava when I saw her looking at the car and everyone came to the car, Meg and a boy, which I think his name was Liam, said goodbye to her, but the longer hug than normal that Ava and Noah gave each other did not go unnoticed by me, so when she got into the car and we left, I asked her as she got my phone to play some music:

"what was that between you and that boy Noah? I saw the hug that he gave you"

I saw how she blushed and tried to hide it by looking at the phone as she answered:

"it was nothing Dad, it was a normal hug that we gave each other"

I looked at my daughter and decided not to insist anymore, hoping that when there was more trust between us she would tell me more about it

When we got to our house, Ava ran upstairs to her room, and Scar looked at me with a worried face and asked:

"what happened? is everything okay?"

I placed the keys in its place and said to Scar with a weak smile:

"I think I may know what happens, so I'll go see, if they come while we're still up, please call us"

she nodded and I gave her a quick kiss on the lips, she smiled at me and I went up the stairs

"bubs? can I come in?" I asked when I was in front of her door

"yeah of course" she answered

I opened the door and saw her emptying the bag she had arrived with from Meg's house, I laid down in her bed and said:


she kept emptying the bag so I insisted one more time:

"bubs please come here"

she stopped what she was doing and looked at me:

"tell me" she said

I sighted and told her:

"please come here, I'm sorry if what I said before when we were in the car made you feel uncomfortable"

she placed the t-shirt on the table and came to lay down with me, I let her snuggle with me and then she said:

"it's okay, it's just that I knew that you were going to make a really big deal out of it because I'm your daughter and all of that stuff and so yeah, I don't know"

I looked down at her and gave her a kiss on her hair:

"I know it's going to be hard for me when a boy enters your life, but that doesn't mean that you can't bring one, I'll just have to get used to it, so please please always remember that your Mom and I will always be here not matter what happens okay?"

she nodded in my chest and then asked:

"could he come to spend some time in the pool?"

I opened my eyes widely and my heart race began to go up:


I felt how she shrugged and so I said:

"if it's only him it has to be in the afternoon okay? Because neither your Mom or I will be here in the morning okay?"

she let out a big yawn and said:

"okay Daddy whatever you prefer"

we were interrupted by the doorbell ringing, so I tapped my daughter's shoulder and told her:

"okay honey, we have to go down for you to meet your family"

I offered my hand and she quickly took it, and as we were approaching the door she told me:

"I'm scared Dad"

I looked down at her and replied:

"everything will be okay, I bet they are all going to like you and that you're going to like them back, plus if anything happens, Mom and I will be near you okay?"

she nodded and with that both of us went down the stairs

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