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Name: Y/n Amira.
Nickname: Princess Syria, Princess Iraq, Princess Turkey, Princess Afghanistan, last princess, last royalty, Amira, goddess of light and darkness, Goddess Of Wings.
Age: 43.
Birth world: Earth.
Birth country: Syria 🇸🇾.
Date of birth: January 31, 1980.
Eye color: Reddish.
Hair color: Short blonde mixed with brown, black, grayish, white.
Mother: Salma aka Salem(status: alive).
Father: Oman(status: dead or was he).
Stepdad: Ozpin(status: alive).
Sisters: Khadija, Khadijah, Otto.
Brother: AF.
Daughters(secretly): Summer Rose, Raven Branwen.
Son(secretly): Qrow Branwen.
Granddaughters: Ruby Rose, Yang Xiao Long.
Species: Human-Raven-Goddess.
Sexuality: Female.
Citizenship: Syrian, Iranian, Turkish, Afghan.
Language spoke. Arabic, English.
Races: Syrian-Iranian-Turkish-Afghan.
Species: Human-Goddess-Raven.
Skin color: Black mix with fair pale.
Abilities: -CLASSIFIED-
Pets: King Cobra the Great.
Husband: Gaga(status: killed).
Love interest: Still searching.

Looks in Iraq:

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Looks in Iraq:

Looks with her wings:

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Looks with her wings:

Looks with her wings:

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Personality: Unknown.

Likes: Heat weather, flying, fighting against invaders, saving, cooking, food, alcohol, tea, coffee, wine, whiskey, beer, Syria, Iraq, Turkey, Afghanistan, her children, peace, the desert, hot areas, hot springs, grooming her wings, handling her abilities and powers, Freedom fighters, exploring European countries and Asian countries, remnant, earth, White Fang(most of them), workouts, training, fitness, snake handlers, survival fitness, allies, America, fighting, beating up perverts, killing enemies, beating up CRDL.

Hates: Iran, traitors, betrayal, her home country of Syria invaded, Ironwood, Atlas, idiots, morons, perverts, CRDL, sexual harassment, discrimination, racism, racist, sexual abuse, abusers, White Fang(most of them), war, invasion.

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