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Tris' POV

I wake up in a room i dont recognize but from the light coming in through the blacked out windows im assuming its early morning. I try to get up but im tied to something. I try to scream but no sound comes out. What happened to me, where am i? Wait where is Tobias?

Suddenly i hear footsteps coming from behind me and im suddenly getting dizzy again.

By the time i wake up again it must be around noon. I start to look up and i see Tobias tied up across from me. Theres no way i would have missed him earlier so I know Jeanine and that traitor brother of mine must have moved him in here after they knocked me out a second time. I see Tobias struggling against the ropes trying to get free.

I hear sounds coming from the next room, he must too because he stops struggling. Its obvious he sees something i cant seeing as his eyes are bulging out of his head. Suddenly he starts fighting like hell against the ropes of his and he breaks free. He runs towards me trying to cut my ropes as he is attacked by guards, he fights them off one by one as i use the knife he left on my ropes to cut myself free.

More guards start to arrive so he and i start running to get away. We jump out of the window onto the roof below us and start running. We turn around thinking the guards wouldnt have followed us down here but we were wrong so we start running even faster looking for an escape route. We see one just as the guards start shooting at us.

The bullets whiz past us at the speed of light but just as we turn the corner Tobias gets hit with one. Luckily i know exactly where we are and where we can hide. We hide in the place i use to go as a kid to get away for some peace.

A few minutes later we hear the guards jog past us so I sneak Tobias and myself toward the back path, a path I knew so well, one that use to mean I was almost home. The path to Abnegation.

I knew there was no way I would be able to make it all the way to Dauntless with Tobias being wounded so I hoped my mother could help me.

It took a few minutes as well a quite a few stops to make it to the old house. I knocked on the door but did not wait for a response an walked right in. My parents were on the couch and their jaws dropped dropped open. "Beatrice what are you doing here, and who is your friend?" "No time for questions he's hurt!"

My mother started running around getting supplies to help as my father tried to go get help. A few minutes later my father showed up with a guest in tow. When i saw who it was i was completely flabbergasted, Tobias wouldnt like this at all. My father led Marcus into the kitchen so they could carry Tobias to the car. When he saw Marcus he was not happy at all, Marcus on the other hand froze in his tracks. "Tobias, is that you?" I stepped toward him, "we have no time for questions hes hurt we need to get him to Dauntless HeadQuarters!"

As we rushed over to Dauntless Tobias was loosing a lot of blood despite my mothers help so I was thankful that the ride did not take too long. As soon as we got to Dauntless I ran to get help.

I returned with Zeke and Uriah who had just happened to be heading out this way. I said thank you to my parents and Marcus then hurried and headed inside with the guys.

I was sitting in the waiting room just hoping for news, anything would be fine. I'd been sitting there over an hour when Christina came out with a look on her face like something was wrong. I immediately assumed the worst. "Chris is he okay? Please tell me he's okay! Im gonna kill my brother and Jeanine if he's not okay. I'm gonna be" Christina stopped me mid sentence by dragging me into the operating rooms. "Tris... Well we were able to save him but there were some complications afterwards...." "Chris is he?"


So how are yall liking this so far? What do you think happened to Tobias? Comment below, id love to hear your opinion and any ideas would be great thanks especially since this is my first fanfic, vote please

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