all the rotten things that you do/ ⁹

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You love the way I pop my top
Or how I lose my cool
Or how I look at you.

。゚☆: *. .* :☆゚.


3rd POV

Over the weekend Isabel had called Helena letting her know the situation with her asshole of a boyfriend, well ex-boyfriend soon.

She ran straight to her house to comfort her and at that time.

She confessed to her about Hazel being at her house and having sex with her, she also was honest with her friend and told her how she felt so insecure, she didn't know if Hazel liked her because of her personality or liked the idea she had about her in her mind she felt pressured to keep a facade, about that second thought.

It was also this feeling of impending doom she always had with all of her romantic relationships, she was so scared of getting hurt once again, but what she didn't realize is that by trying to become avoidant of her feelings, she was hurting her blue-eyed lover.

Helena and Isabel spent their weekend together, being sad and crying over their predicaments, eating their feelings away; Brittany wasn't present she had a weekend trip with her parents, but she Facetimed them to read their birth charts and analyze why this moment was happening according to their placement; it didn't make them feel better, the three ended up crying together.

Helena told her friend she should confront Jeff in front of the school on Monday, and swore to her, she would hold her hand through the whole time.


Holding hands tightly, Isabel and Helena strut through the school's cafeteria, Helena pushing away someone who was on their way to walk to Jeff's table. The shorter girl didn't realize that someone was trailing after them, "Hi!" Jeff said nervously.

Helena gave him a dead stare, giving Isabel's hand a tight squeeze, "Are you having sex with Mrs. Callahan?" her friend asked straight to the point.

Jeff gave them both a surprised look, "Baby, you look so beautiful today. Like so hot, H-How are you?" He tried to avoid her question.

Helena rolled her eyes, giving him a dead glare, which made Jeff cower a little.

"BAD. Are you having sex with her?" Isabel asked again, with a threatening tone.

"I'm... I'm, helping her with her taxes." He sputters, shaking his head quickly.

Helena scoffed, letting go of Isabel's hands, to cross her arms, judging Jeff's lie.

"Aren't you in eighth grade Algebra?", Helena turned around so quickly she almost gave herself whiplash, giving the blue-eyed girl she cried over the weekend, a shocked look, Hazel just stared at her with a deep frown, that made her turn and hold Isabel's hand again, who gave her a tight squeeze as support.

"I can't answer that question. Because I don't know how to read." Jeff said, pointing at Hazel.

"She's asking you to your face!" Isabel exclaimed with an incredulous look.

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