i knew it was you / ⁵

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Stamp me with your signature
I'm your bitch, you're my bitch


warning: depictions of violence and sexual themes.


3rd POV

3rd POV

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Mr. G blew a whistle to begin the club, and the girls gathered at the gym the next afternoon after school. They made a circle around, PJ and Josie, were the first to fight, and Helena and Isabel stood next to each other, Helena regretted wearing high heels and a skirt today...

Hazel was at the other side of the circle darting her gaze at Helena's outfit and makeup, she wasn't sure if she could fight her if they went a round together. PJ and Josie kept avoiding punching each other so Mr. G tried to end their round but PJ gave Josie a punch in her gut, and everyone groaned, and then everyone clapped when Josie stood up.

Because it was randomly picked, somehow Isabel and Hazel went next. That picked Helena's interest, her friend gave her a nervous look before stepping into the circle with Hazel who looked anxious, Isabel smiled awkwardly at the girl and they started moving in circles, "Someone punch someone, please" Helena said in an exasperated tone, picking at her nails. Right away Isabel punched with her foot Hazel's shin who crouched on the floor, the blue-eyed girl quickly stood up and shook her hand awkwardly, and Helena smiled behind her hand. Brittany and Annie went next, so far they were the two who actually threw punches and resisted the most.



*italics are inner thoughts

Helena was picked next with PJ, she stepped into the circle brushing her hands against her skirt, across the circle Hazel gave her a cautious look and a small thumbs up; PJ smiled at her, she looked excited and that made Helena more alarmed at the end she was a few inches taller, they were walking in circles; PJ pushed her harshly, and she tried to gather herself before falling to the floor, she brushed a piece of hair before she gave PJ a condescending smile, the girl gave her a look up and down, Helena threw her fist with all her force to her mouth. Everyone gasped loudly.

PJ gave her a shocked look holding her cheek, spitting a little bit of blood before she stepped quickly to her and punched her straight in the nose, Helena dropped to the floor and her opponent went to put her weight over her, she was quick and kicked her in the groin, PJ grunted dropping to the floor and Helena took the chance to maneuver her and put her body over PJ's she grab both of her arms, Mr. G blew the whistle, everyone clapped excitedly, PJ and Helena shook hands with big grins.

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