Part 24

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"So what are your names?" Jimin asked breaking the long silence after YeoJun left.

"she's Eunseo."

"he's Taehyung."

Jimin chuckled to himself seeing their way of introducing.

"and you?" Tae asked

"I'm Jimin... By the way, why are you here? I mean why did they kidnap you two?" Jimin asked as he couldn't hold in his curiosity anymore.

"well..." Eunseo started.

"if you aren't comfortable I won't ask." Jimin covered up seeing the hesitant face of Eunseo.

"No it's ok. I'm not uncomfortable." Eunseo replied fast not wanting to make Jimin feel embarrassed.

"Yeah she deals with new people every now and then." Tae also added.

"oh. Then go on I'm curious."

"well you know Daesang?" Eunseo asked.

"ofcourse who doesn't? That's a really famous brand. Even most of my clothes are from there. I just love that!" Jimin said excited.

"well her Grandfather was the owner of that brand, then her father was in charge and now her sister is the owner." said Tae as he saw Jimin's jaw drop. "ya this place is full of flies. Close our mouth." Tae said laughing. As Jimin immediately pressed his lips together.

"so you're telling me her father was Yoon Sungwon?"

"how do you-" Eunseo was cut of by Jimin.

"how can't I? I literally stan that brand!" Jimin exclaimed and the other two laughed.

"now tell me the story." Jimin said.

"so the old man Mr. Kang collaborated with us sometimes ago. Now he's saying that he wants me to kill my sister so I can get all the properties and then hand them to him or else he'll kill me and Tae." Eunseo explained.

"Tae?" Jimin asked raising an eyebrow.

"oh I'm Tae. It's my nickname." Tae answered but Jimin didn't seem satisfied with his answer as he kept on furrowing his eyebrows thinking something. "what's wrong?" Tae asked seeing Jimin's expression.

"uh.. Taehyung can you turn your Head to a little right?" Jimin hesitantly asked.

"your right or mine left?" Tae asked.

"uh.. my right." Jimin replied.

"they're the same duh!" Tae said breaking into laughter as Jimin looked at him with a disappointed but not shocked expression. Eunseo stayed silent sitting in a corner watching the drama.

"whatever. Now will you look at the right please." Jimin again asked as Tae this time obeyed silently.

'Knew it!' Jimin thought.

"Uh guys are we going to sit here like this all the time? I mean shouldn't we try to free ourselves. There's no guarantee that someone will come to save us." Eunseo said ending their drama.

"yeah, right. Wait a minute." Jimin said and started move his tied hands in a circular motion. And what he did after made the other two drop their jaw.

"how the fuck?" Tae said in awe as he observed Jimin skillfully untie his hands in seconds.

Jimin bent down and untied his legs off the chair too and stood up. "wooaahh. My body hurts from sitting in the same position." he said stretching.

"well just untie us too." Eunseo asked getting impatient.

"is that how you ask for help? Why would I help you?" Jimin asked frowning.

"aah, why are you like this? Just fucking untie me it's suffocating." Eunseo whining as she shook her head from side to side making her hair sway from left to right.

Jimin rolled his eyes but smiled seeing her silliness. "why would I?" He teased.

Eunseo stayed silent for some seconds thinking something. Her eyes lit up as she looked at Jimin. "Well,, if you help us get out of here, I'll give you the latest Outfits our brand launched." she said with a cheeky smile.

JImin scrunched his nose. "I already bought that." The other two just looked at him in disbelief.

"Are you serious? We just launched that three days ago." Tae said with a straight face.

"and I bought that after three minutes of launching." said Jimin.

"bruh, our first sell on that was after about 10 minutes of launching. How came you bought that after three minutes?" Eunseo snapped.

"and the first buyer was me. And I just said three minutes to match my sentence with you."

"Ok, if it's not then we'll give you the version that hasn't launched yet but is going to be launched after some days." Eunseo again offered as Jimin poked his inner cheeks with a satisfied smile.

"are you serious?" Tae asked tilting his head not believing Eunseo's words as Eunseo nodded in response .

Jimin went towards Tae and started opening the knots around his hands.

"aaah finally!" Tae said moving his hands after a long time. he reached for his leg and Jimin went to help Eunseo.

"but how did you open those tight knots." Tae asked after freeing himself.

"I'm used to these. People like Kang Minyeong thinks I am weak just because I look small so they always hit me" Jimin said again rolling his eyes as the other two chuckled in response.

"it's locked." Jimin said as he twisted the knob of the door. Right now they were standing on the stairs of the basement. "Taehyung. Uh wait are you older or younger than me?" Jimin asked confused if he should call Taehyung by his name or not.

"I'll be 28 next month so I'm 27 right now." Tae said.

"and why do you have to make the sentence so long? Can't you simply say you're 27?" Eunseo asked with an annoyed face.

"oh then we're same. So I'll call you by your name." Jimin said. "what time is it?" he asked Tae.

Tae lifted his wrist to take a look at the watch. "10:49." he replied.

"duh just say 50. A minute doesn't matter." Eunseo said from the side.

"it's not safe to sneak out then. We at least have to wait until midnight." Jimin said shaking his head.

"and what are we supposed to do until then?" Tae asked.

"what can we even do?" Jimin asked not replying Taehyung's question.

"maybe let's try finding something to protect ourselves." Eunseo suggested.

"yeah, let's go." the other two agreed and they went down to where they were before.

"uh guys? I found something." Eunseo spoke as she came out of a corner.

"what is it?" Jimin asked as he and Tae walked up to her.

"a broken phone." Eunseo replied

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