{CHAPTER 8} - First Day

Start from the beginning

He sprayed his deodorant on (it's pomegranate dove one, my favorite) and leaves the closet, grabbing his school bag and making sure everything is inside, grabbing his phone and checking the time


Only around half past, meaning he had plenty of time before going to the bus stop, oh yeah, forgot to mention he's going to take the bus to school since his parents have work, his brother works and irregular schedule and his younger brother is gonna go with him, and another reason is because he doesn't want to seem like he's flexing being rich, not wanting attention drawn to him, he learnt his lesson in his hometown about that.

Grabbing his keys and wallet, making sure his wallet has money he shoves the wallet into his bag and puts his phone and house keys into his pocket

Exiting his bedroom he walks downstairs towards the kitchen, finding something small to eat before leaving with Qían since he learnt from experience, he'll starve since everyone leaves class like a stampede and eats everything before he has the chance to get out the classroom

Finding himself an apple he bites into that, snacking on it he walks upstairs and finds Qían in his room STILL SLEEPING

"Qían, wake up its time for school sleepy head"

Xiao gently says, shaking Qían lightly to wake him up, Qían finally awakening and sitting up, he looks half asleep and grumbles

"mhhmm.. I'm awake.."

"alright, get dressed and get your things, we have to be at the bus stop at seven twenty so hurry up and get dressed you have about half an hour cause we need to walk to the bus stop"

Xiao ruffled Qíans hair, then went downstairs

He went downstairs and leaned against the stair railing, finishing up the apple he was eating, then walking into the kitchen and tossing the apple core into the bin, returning to the stairs he sees Qían walking down the stairs with his bag, wearing messy clothes, he looks like a delinquent but Xiao couldn't exactly give a damn, Qían was wearing an open black jacket with silver lining, a loose white t-shirt and loose dark washed jeans

"Alright let's go Qían, came down right on time"

Xiao opened the door, steeping outside with Qían following him behind, walking down the long ass driveway and out, their destination. Bus stop


After around twenty minutes of walking through the cold morning, Qían rambling about random things to his older brother while Xiao listened and nodded while admiring the snowy view

Finally, the bus stop comes into view, seeing four other people at the bus stop that seem very familiar

Xiao can't really bother to stare at them while trying to figure out who they are since he doesn't really need to from the two loud shouting voices that he recognises as.. Who were they again..? Oh yes, Kyle and Eric

As the two boys waled closer to the bus stop, the first person to notice the two was Kenny, wearing his parka fully zipped up while muffling something Xiao couldn't understand but he figured he said 'hello' or something related to that, Xiao giving a light smile and small nod, waving back to Kenny

Qían and Xiao finally making it to the bus stop, the bus nowhere in sight yet. Qían narrowed his eyes at Kenny, then glancing at the two quarreling boys and the black haired boy texting someone on his phone with a frustrated look on his face

Xiao and Qían stood there silently, neither of them feeling like striking up a conversation right now as they just watch the fight between Kyle and Cartman, not even knowing what the fight is about

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