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Gabi shrank back as if she'd been burned. Beside her, Lucifer gave a disapproving hum. "Now, Gabi, there's no reason to be like that," he purred, blue eyes icy and lacking any of the usual fondness she was used to seeing from the vessel. "You know I would never hurt you." Following the statement, he pulled on the chain connecting the metal collar around her neck to his chair, forcing her closer to him. Biting her tongue to hold back the whimper that was threatening to escape her throat, she stayed stock still as he gently caressed her hair.

It was true, he really hadn't done anything to cause her harm beyond treating her like some prized dog at his side. It could be worse. Compared to the treatment he'd been giving the former King of Hell, she was getting the luxury treatment. Crowley was also being treated like a dog, complete with his own barbed collar, but the angel didn't have any of the same gentleness when dealing with him as he did with her. Content with the way she was submitting, the angel went back to playing on the iPad in his hand and ignoring the demons who were attempting to give him the latest report.

"Sir, if I may-" one demon, Simmons, cleared their throat, "since you've claimed the throne, we could use some direction. Any direction. We could deploy a force. Real boots on the ground, shake the trees to find her! With you leading the charge, of course. We have had a coward, and a fool, at the helm for too long."

There was a moaning sound and Gabi glanced over at the cage door that hid Crowley from view as Simmons continued. "Perhaps it's time to-" Lucifer put a finger to his lips, silencing the demon mid sentence. "Doggy wants to speak," he said. One of the demons opened the cage door, rolling Crowley out in similar chains to the one around her neck.

"How dare you," he spat at the other demons. "The imputence. The lack of humility. It's no way to talk to your master. Lucifer." Gabi swallowed as Lucifer rose from the throne to go over and pat Crowley on the head. "That's a good doggy," he crooned. She bit down on her tongue harder, tasting blood as she fought hard not to cry. Everything she'd seen in her dreams was unfolding before her eyes, and all she could think was that if Cas had listened to her and not said yes, they wouldn't be in this position.


Gabi's eyes snapped open and she sat up straight abruptly. She had fallen asleep curled into a ball next to the throne she was chained to. Her back and limbs ached from not being able to stand up and stretch in so long. Blinking tiredly, she watched with fascination as demons wheeled in several carts full of weapons. Lucifer had vacated the throne in favor of standing and observing as the items were brought to him.

"That's all of it?" he asked. "Yes, sir," one demon nodded. "The requested weaponry from your crypt. Does it please you?"

"Spare me."

The demons filed out and Gabi watched as Lucifer poked Crowley with a staff. The other captive had several cuts and bruises from different punishments. She'd caught him glaring at her on more than one occasion with a look that seemed to be a mix of jealousy and hatred for the differing treatment they each received, despite the fact that they were both Lucifer's pet dogs.

"How are your wounds, doggy?" Lucifer addressed him. "They are... no less than I deserve," Crowley bit out, daring to shoot a glare in her direction. The devil scratched his head in a much rougher manner than the gentle strokes he used with her, and Crowley shrunk away. "Aww," he crooned, "you're scared of your Master. That's a good doggy."

Gabi jumped as he grabbed Crowley's ear, pulling his head up. "But it's an act. I broke you, but um..." he sniffed at the former king of Hell. "Yep, I can still smell it, you've got that delectable little whiff of defiance, you're just playing, huh? Waiting for the moment to retake your throne? Am I right?"

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