"Gabi," he reached out, putting a hand on her shoulder. She glanced down at it then up at him. While his blue eyes shone with concern and worry for her, they didn't hold their normal comforting warmth within them. Like the energy he now radiated, they seemed icy and hollow as they stared at her. Even the way he said her name felt different.

"You know you can tell me anything," Cas assured her.

"No, I know. I'm fine, really."

They stared into each other's eyes for a few moments longer, Gabi's heart pounding out of her chest. "C-Cas?" she whispered. His hand moved from her shoulder up to move a strand of blonde hair away from her face. "So beautiful," he whispered to himself.

Gabi froze, unsure how she was supposed to react. This was so much different than what she normally expected from the angel. The only time he'd ever expressed those thoughts for her was during his time as a human after the angels fell. Back then, even though they both wanted more out of their relationship, they had agreed that it was better not to pursue that line of thinking. It proved to be the right call, especially after he got his Grace back.

"You're not Cas."

The words seemed to shock both of them; she hadn't meant to vocalize the thought, it just slipped out. But once it was out there in the open, she didn't wish she could take them back. "Yes, I am," Cas insisted, but Gabi shook her head. "No, you're not. You can't be."

"If I'm not Cas, then who am I?"

Swallowing hard, she thought about her dreams. About everything that happened while they were in Hell with Lucifer. About the way he'd gripped her hand so tightly after Crowley told them to leave and the threatening glance he'd given her like he knew she knew he wasn't Cas. Biting her lip, she stared up into the angel's blue eyes and whispered, "Lucifer."

Before she could react, Lucifer had grabbed her arm and they vanished from the Bunker.


Dean entered the Bunker, on a search for gold blades. It turned out, the creature he and Sam were after was a banshee, and since they didn't have any gold blades in the trunk, he'd had to come back to retrieve the weapons so they could kill it. "Hey, Brie, it's me. I'm just stopping by to grab some stuff and I'm heading back out. You sure you don't want to come with?"

He listened, waiting for a response from his sister, but was met with only silence. "Brie?" he called out again, heading down the hall in the direction of her room. He didn't hear her call back, and he frowned, growing worried. "Brie, you in there?" He knocked on her door, then opened it without waiting for a response. The room was dark, no sign of his twin anywhere. "Gabi?!" he yelled, hurrying back down the hall. "Gabriella!"

As he was heading down the hall, he noticed the door of one of the rooms was ajar. Drawing his gun, he kicked open the door and aimed the weapon into the room. There was no one inside, but there were boxes and papers strewn about haphazardly as if someone had been there. "What the hell?" he murmured, putting his gun away. He pulled out his phone, dialing Gabi's number. However, he heard the ringtone she'd set for him nearby, and he furrowed his brow.

Looking down, he spotted her phone laying on the floor by his foot, and his heart dropped in his chest. He hung up, reaching down and picking up the phone. "No," he whispered, staring at the cracked screen. Remembering why he originally came back to the Bunker, he slipped Gabi's phone in his pocket and started hunting for the gold blades.

Right when he located them, his phone rang. "Sam?" he answered. "Dean, look up Edward Durbin II," Sam told him. "Wait. What?" he asked. "In the Men of Letters' files," Sam continued. Bringing the blades with him, he went to another room to go through the files and found the name Sam had told him. "Oh, son of a bitch. She ain't lying," he said. "According to the Men of Letters' records, Edward Durbin II was inducted in 1939, part of a small delegation that was sent to Europe."

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