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I woke with a start panting and sweating, ive had this same dream many times before and can never get to this man that i know i must reach somehow. I look around my small room,well my cell. Ive
been here most of my life chained to this stupid wall , just waiting for my chance to escape this hell.
My life before wasnt great but it was better than living in a prison. Ive been in foster care since i was a baby. when i was 10 i was taken out of my bed in the middle of the night.
I still remember the look on the face of the little boy that was my only friend. he always looked out for me and I could tell he wanted to save me but there was nothing he could do. ill always remember
the boy with the ice blue eyes that I always saw watching me. I called him my blue angel because his eyes looked like an angels eyes and he was like my guardian angel.
My foster mom had actually sold me to HIM. which he loves to remind me of. I assume she had told
someone i had ran away or had been taken, im not sure how long they looked before they gave up or
if they even looked at all. When i was first taken i wasnt sure what was happening. I was told this
ugly man was adopting me.
I soon found out that wasnt true. I was immediately thrown into this basement cell. i screamed and
screamed hoping someone would hear me and save me, but help never came. to get me through the
harder times id always think of my blue angel and hope that he wasn't going through what I was.
maybe he would come save me one day.
I walk over to my bucket to use the bathroom and thank the heavens that its just number one. Since
he was
down yesterday he wont be back until tomorrow. ‘its the little things’ “god thats sad” i say out loud
to myself. I mean who else am I going to talk to? certainly not HIM.
my whole body aches from the abuse he put me through yesterday,besides the fact that he violated
me sexually as he normally does this time he decided to bring out the whip and "give me a reminder
of who I belong to". ive learned to go inside myself when he comes to me, so other than maybe a
whimper I don't talk to him.
ive decided today is the day I try one of my many and failed attempts to escape. I feel like the lady in my dream was telling me to do just that. I look around the room and hope that I see something new that maybe I can use to get this chain off my ankle maybe if I get that off I can get the door open.I look all over my small area just hoping something will magically appear to save me. then it hits me!
"OH MY GOD! why have I never thought of this before?" THE SPRINGS FROM THE BED! I
move the thin mattress off the cot and see the metal savior in front of me. I start pulling as hard as I can to get one loose,suddenly it pops out and im so excited my heart is pounding through my
chest,ive never picked a lock before but theres a first time for everything.
I get to work on my shackled ankle twisting and turning this long spring. my fingers were burning with how hard I was trying I don't care about the pain as long as it gets me out of here. im not sure how long I sat and tried but eventually I gave up and just laid on the floor crying "im never getting out of here" I sigh in defeat and wipe the tears from my eyes. "try harder winter! you got this! you cant give upfight,survive,live!" I look back down at this chain and with renewed enthusiasm I start working on the lock again. 'CLINK' its off! I cant believe this "I did it" a smile graces my lips. I
haven't smiled in so long it feels strange to me.
I sit in shock only for a few moments and decide its time to destroy this door. I bring the spring with me in hopes it might help with the lock on the door, I twist the knob and it doesn't open " locked,but it feels loose" I muse to myself so I start slamming myself against this door while jiggling the knob.until it finally opens, im so scared that hes up here somewhere even though I haven't heard him.
if he is here hes for sure heard me and im hoping hes not waiting around the corner for me. im not sure where we are but I know he doesn't live here I only hear sounds coming from up here every other day right before he comes to the basement. I take a deep breath and move further into the house. it looks abandoned. with holes in the floor, and walls peeling paint, boarded up windows, dirt and dust everywhere ."yea definitely doesn't live here" this is it! im getting out of here today its been 8 years of torture im not even sure what im going to do. where im going to go. anywhere but here is good enough.
I walk outside and look around, nothing but woods and more woods and a small walking path. this must be how he gets here but where is he coming from? who cares as long as he doesn't come back until im long gone. I start running down the path as fast and hard as I can. stepping on rocks and
twigs I cant even feel the pain of it. i just know I have to get out of here have to save myself."fight,survive,live"
I just keep telling myself this over and over I finally come to a road and feel like im going to pass out. im so weak and hot and beat up im not sure how much further I can make it. just follow the road youll find someone soon don't give up winter. I hear something, its a car ! its coming towards me. I panic a little hoping to everything there is, that its not HIM.
the car slows and comes to a stop in front of me. my vision is getting blurry I know im going to pass out soon. then there he is. standing in front of me the most beautiful green eyes ive ever seen "im safe" I whisper "your safe" is the last thing I here before everything goes dark.

winter episode 1Where stories live. Discover now