44. Change

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(A/n: This is part 2 of a Triple update. make sure you read part 43 first!)

"Reboot in two minutes."

"Back to Pete's world. Hey, we should call it that. Pete's World." I grin and the doctor smiles fondly down at me shaking his head. Rose looks at me with wide eyes shaking her head

"I'm opening the Void, but only on this side. You'll be safe on that side." The doctor says quietly

"And then you close it, for good?" Pete looks at us and I nod somberly, "The breach itself is soaked in Void stuff. In the end, it'll close itself. And that's it. Kaput."

"But you two stay on this side?" Rose looks at me and I give her a soft smile from lacing my fingers with hers.

"But you'll get pulled in." Mickey looks at us with furrowed brows

"That's why I got these." The Doctor holds up the Magnaclamps, "we'll just have to hold on tight. I've been doing it all my life."

"I'm supposed to go." Rose trails off and looks from me to the Doctor

"Yes" The doctor smiles at her softly

"To another world, and then it gets sealed off."

"Yeah." I look at her squeezing her hand.

"Forever. That's not going to happen." She shakes her head as the building begins to shake.

"We haven't got time to argue. The plan works. We're going. You too. All of us." Pete says grabbing the two Tyler women. I spare a glance at the doctor his face unreadable but the emotions flowing through our bond match my own.

"No, I'm not leaving here." Rose crosses her arms stepping closer to the doctor and me.

"I'm not going without her." Jackie sasses, making my mouth twitch upwards.

"Oh, my God. We're going!" Pete huffs. I step closer to the doctor allowing rose space away from us, only to find that he had inched away from us. I stood watching the group careful not to draw attention to the fact the doctor was creeping behind Rose with the yellow button.

"I've had a life with you for nineteen years, but then I met the Doctor, and Elle and all the things I've seen them do for me, for you, for all of us. For the whole stupid planet and every planet out there. they do it alone, mum. But not anymore, because now they've got me." The Doctor puts a medallion around Rose's neck and Pete presses his button. She disappears, then reappears.

"Once the breach collapses, that's it. You will never be able to see her again. Your mother!" I shout at her

"I made my choice a long time ago, and I'm never going to leave you two. So what can I do to help?" Rose crosses her arms stubbornly. Anger starts to flare through my veins at her stupidity

"Rose, we don't have the same lifespan, remember? Eventually, you will die, wishing you still had your family. Eventually, you will die and we will have to bury you still looking like this." I snap

"you two are my family. You are all that I've got!" She snaps back, and the doctor looks between us, hesitation floating through the bond.

"What about your mother, eh? Do you know what it is like to lose a child? Because that's what she will feel. You will be out of reach, and she will never know if you are safe." I glare at her, "she will live out her days wanting nothing more than to hold you one last time. To smell your hair, wipe your tears, to watch you grow old."

"You promised me I would be there for your wedding. I'm not going to miss it. She has Dad now."

"Rose don't do this to Jackie, the pain of losing a child is unbearable, crippling. No one will ever be able to sooth that ache." I beg her, thinking of my child. Just how much I wish I could hold them one more time, Tears threaten the spill as I look back up at the blonde. Determination was written all over her face, I wiped my face on my sleeve before walking away not able to look at her anymore.

"I'm not going." I hear her tell the Doctor who sighed, "Those coordinates over there, set them all at six. And hurry up." Rose goes to the terminal and takes her medallion off.

I am sorry my love. She will just keep coming back. We are out of time to argue. The doctor whispers in my mind as I continue to wipe the tears off my cheeks. I shake my head and go to one of the computers.

"We've got Cybermen on the way up." I clear my throat from the sobs that threatened to force their way up

"How many floors down?" the doctor looks at me.

"Just one," I mutter.

"Levers operational." the computer informs us. I smile in relief at the timing of the levers becoming able to be used.

"That's more like it. Bit of a smile. The old team." Rose says smiling over at me, I give her a weak smile in return, hearts thrumming against my chest.

"you two, Hope and Glory, Mutt and Jeff, Shiver and Shake." the doctor laughs

"Which one's Shiver?" Rose asks raising her brow

"Oh, I'm Shake." I laugh. The Doctor gives Rose a Magnaclamp and they put them on the walls by the levers. I look at him confused.

"Press the red button." he sends Rose over to the wall before walking over to me, "Elle find a place to hide and hold on." he raises a hand to my cheek running his thumb over it. I am not risking you.

but you'll risk her?

she made that choice. For once I am not letting you make a choice. Accept it and go now. He demands

I'm not going anywhere. I will secure myself in this room that is as good as it's going to get The Doctor grabs my face in his hands and kisses me desperately knowing that there is no point in arguing.

"When it starts, just hold on tight. Shouldn't be too bad for us but the Daleks and the Cybermen are steeped in Void stuff. Are you ready?" The doctor says walking over to the clamp before looking at Rose who nods before pointing behind me at the window, "So are they." The Daleks are visible outside the window. I walk to the most secure post bear hangugging it, I nod to the doctor. Who looks to me before to Rose, "Let's do it!" They push the levers up then grab the Magnaclamps. A bright light comes out of the breach and a strong wind rushes into it, sucking the first Daleks through the windows and into itself.

"The breach is open! Into the Void! Ha!" I laugh as I feel myself starting to shift closer to the void. Cybermen all over the world are lifted off their feet and into the air. There is a steady stream of Daleks and Cybermen all being sucked through the one broken window into the Void. A Dalek flies past me, I make eye contact with its stalk just as it points its whisk at me and shoots. I loosen a scream as burning pain erupts in my chest. I cry as the agony almost causes me to slip off the doorpost. The doctor and I look at each other fear filling in his eyes and down the bond. I fight to stay there holding back the regeneration as long as possible. Only letting it seep so I am still healing so I can stay holding on long enough for this to be over.

"Offline." I open my eyes to watch as the suction starts to decrease. Rose lets go of the Magnaclamp to grab the lever and pull it, but she and it are being dragged the wrong way.

"I've got to get it upright!" She screams only having the lever to hold on to. She manages to get it locked back in place.

"Rose, hold on! Hold on!" I yelled through gritted teeth Rose is being pulled horizontally towards the Void. I watch as her fingers finally slip from the lever handle. I scream in horror as my best friend flies into the void. Then Pete pops in, catches her, and vanishes with his daughter in his arms. The wind dies down and the Void closes itself like paper down a plughole. I run stumbling every few steps holding my chest. I get to the wall leaning all of my weight on it pressing my hand against it,

"Rose oh god Rose." I sob my body beginning to feel as though it is on fire before I collapse to the floor. The doctor scoops me up and I bury my face in his chest allowing the sobs to rack my body. He starts to run to the tardis.

"I've got you, Elle, it will be okay, hold on." He panics. I feel my breathing going ragged, the Doctor looks down at me sending what he sees down the bond. I am pale and gold from the energy that is bursting through me. I look like I might not make it. He gently kicks the tardis door open and sets me on my feet. I clutch my chest stumbling away from the Doctor before turning to look at him. The Doctor takes a step back running his fingers through his hair and staring at me with wide panic-stricken eyes.

He gasps as everything is covered in a blinding golden light.

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