Her past/His feelings

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Night Kavya room.

"haan maa , I am okay now just slipped on th floor got some sprain doctor said everything is okay" assured kavya over call

"we are really worried for you please take good care of your self" said her mother.. kavya smiled on the video call

"Kavya" called shubham her pheoncy from the itger side of screen, kavya looked at him and waved Hi

" shubham looked around if anybody is listening to then and carried the phone away,

" we were also worried listening about your accident, so rushed to your home" informed shubham

kavya smiled and nodded positively,

" Kavya everything will be alright, we are missing you so much" said shubham, kavya gave a smile

" how are you?" asked her

shubham got a big smile over his face it was the second time kavya spoke to him in all his life

" I am also good Kavya" replied shubham and kept staring at Kavya.. kavya smiled " I will talk to you later need to sleep" said her disconnecting the call

she gave a sigh and leaned back on her pillow.. recalling her past

shubham and kavya were neighbours, he was 10 uears elder to her and always followed her on way to school, kavya felt over protected, but chose to ignore, one day shubham stopped her on the way and proposed her but kavya didnt reply and ran towards her home scared,

next day when she returned from school his neighbour uncle shubham's dad and all elder of the village were gathered at her home, when she enquired about the reason from her mother, he was given a laddoo in her mouth and everybody was dancing in joy her mother came and hug her tightly with mixed emotions that her marriage is now fixed with shubham.. Kavya was surprised she just gave her 10th exam and now fixing of marriage? she had very big dreams and these people were trying to tie her..

after a few months of engagement, shubham was as usual following her to the college, while kavya stopped in middle and turned towards shubham, "can I request you something?" asked kavya.. shubh was overwhelmed as it was the first time kavya spoke to him. He excitedly nodded his head in positive. " I want to be an IAS officer and dont want to marry before that" requested kavya, shubh stood still without any reply, kavya was disheartened of his silence and resumed her journey to college.. the other day when she returned home again everyone wer sitting in her veranda making her tensed and she was scared what if they arrange her marriage now itself, but to her relief his father came towards her and informed that "shubham ji wants that you should become a big officer and then only he will fix his date of marriage with you"

kavya nodded in relief and smiled and walked to her bedroom closing the door.. taking a long breath.

" kavya bansal the only dream you are allowed to live is to become an IAS, let not be the groon of your choice but atleast he agreed for this" mumbled her

kavya snapped out of the flashback when jhumki came with her medicines

kavya thanked her..

" I believe adhi has feelings for you" said jhumki listening to which kavya forcefully spitted our water from her mouth..

" what made you say that" asked kavya concerned

" you dont think so? the way he jumped to save you least bothered about himself, the way he looks at you and many of his acts" explained jhumki..

"no, he is kind and we met on the way gelled very well, spent first day together so he is a genuine friend, and regarding his flirting and all i believe its his personality" assured kavya

" if he was an all time flirt, he would have donr it with me also or atleast with any other girl from team 3" said jhumki.

"no jhumki you are having some misunderstanding" kavya tried to refute "its okay.. I was just saying what I felt, but even if it happens to be isnt it good he is so charming and caring" said jhumki

"I am engaged jhumki" informed jhumki... "what? really? with whom? asjed jhumki surprised

"he is my dad's friend's son", said her, "looking at your face anyone can say that you are not happy" said jhumki..

"I dont know, but this is my future and I have to accept it" said kavya pullibg blanket over her head to sleep.

jhumki switched off the light and left the room dissapointed

night Adhi's room:

adhi was lost in all day events..

except for the accident part which scared him to the core rest everything was so memorable for him, their first hug, him wiping his tears, touching her hair, carrying her in his arms looking at her face and all he could recall,

" I cant run from my feelings now, I am in love with you Kavya" mumbled adhiraj to himself and drifted off to sleep with a smile

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