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your pov
i was bored and i wanted to go see nelson and suprise him with a feel better basket since he was sick.

i asked my mom to drive me to the store near my house so i could buy the things to put in the basket.

at the store
me and my mom went in the store and i grabbed a basket to put the things in and bought gatorade,tissues,kit kat,sushi,Tylenol,vitamin c and NyQuil to help him sleep.

at the nuemann's house

after my mom dropped me off at the nuemann's house i walk up to the gate and open it shutting it behind me. I walk up to the door and knock, a couple seconds later Cassie opens the door "hi sweetheart! aww is that for nelson?" "hi Cassie! yeah it is he told me he wasn't feeling good so i got him this feel better basket" "nelson is so lucky to have you" she says as she moves to the side letting me in. when i walk in i take off my shoes "if you guys need anything tell me" cassie says "thank you cassie" i say smiling at her, she smiles softly back at me and walks away. i walk up the stairs and go towards nelson's room, once i get there i knock on his door. "come in" nelson says, i walk in and see tissues on the floor and empty halls wrappers. "hi nels" i say softly, i walk towards him and kiss his cheek "hi n/n" he says "i made you a feel better basket" "aww n/n you didn't have to" he says while sitting up "i know but i wanted to because you've been really sick" "i love you so much n/n thank you" he says while opening his arms for a hug. "i love you so much too nels your welcome" i say while hugging him.

"i'm gonna go have a shower, after can we watch a movie and cuddle?" nelson asks me
"yes of course nelson i'm gonna clean up your room" "ok thank you n/n" "it's no problem nels" i kiss his cheek and he grabs his after shower clothes and walks in the bathroom closing the door behind him.

i start by grabbing all the tissues and hall wrappers putting them in the garbage. and i take the empty tissue box and replace it with the one i bought him.

i then turn on the tv and put netflix on so we can pick a movie once he's done.

after nelson is done his shower

nelson walks out his bathroom

"thanks again for cleaning my room my love" he says hugging me "it was no problem pretty boy.

we lay down and pick a movie and we cuddle.

hours later we are on our 2nd movie and i check my phone to see what the time is. it's already 8:30pm "nels i gotta go my mom is gonna pick me up soon" "noo do you have to i want you to stay with me" he says upset that i had to leave soon "one sec i'm gonna text her"


y/n: hey mom can i spend the night at nelson's house please?
mom💗: yes of course sweetie
y/n: thank you so much mom i love you!🩷
mom💗: no problem hun i love you too😘
*you liked a message*

i shut my phone off
"nels i get to spend the night!" "yayy you can stay with me, i didn't want you to leave" "i didn't wanna leave either at least i can stay here" we go back to cuddling, i play with nelson's hair and we fall asleep.🩷

requested by: @ily_katelyn

CHLOE SPEAKS!!!heyy guys this is my first request that i got!!tell me what y'all thinkk

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heyy guys this is my first request that i got!!
tell me what y'all thinkk

time posted: 11:21am
word count: 660

Nelson Nuemann imaginesWaar verhalen tot leven komen. Ontdek het nu