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A cloud of tulle swept around Madelyn's body as she came rushing out of the tiny spiral staircase that connected to the corridor near the Great Hall. There was no choice, she had to go this way to get to the Hufflepuff common room. She would stop to transfigure her outfit if Professor Snape weren't chasing her.

"Watson!" His voice came from near the top of the stairs so she took off running. She felt for her wand but it was somewhere buried under all this skirt. Professor Flitwick had made her uniform into the poofiest princess wedding dress that ever existed and her wand was against her thigh somewhere under this monster.

If her choices were half the student body glimpsing her in this dress or speak to her husband of ten minutes who had just called her a "life-long-burden" the choice was clear. The only difficulty being her loafers were also transfigured into little delicate slippers with sparkly toes and she would never be able to beat him in a foot race.

Madelyn wanted to be in her bed with the curtains drawn and a muffling charm right NOW. She needed to cry. She needed to be invisible. There were a lot of students in this hallway, dinner was in full swing and groups were coming and going from the dining area.

Eyes followed her everywhere she turned. She stopped running, about to put her hand under the hem to find her wand when he grabbed her wrist. "Don't touch me!" She yelled at him, any eyes that weren't on them certainly were now.

"This is exactly what I was just talking about. Loyalty! Discretion!"

"How dare you demand loyalty from me after that temper tantrum you put on. Let. Me. Go." She grit, keenly aware of their outfits mixing with the words, rapidly becoming rumours.

"This will only work if you obey certain rules-"

He stopped short as she reached over and ripped the gold band from her ring finger and threw it down the hall behind him. "This was for you. You asshole." She started crying as she realised how nice her ears felt while he was holding her wrist. He was her mate, wasn't he? This proved it.

He suddenly remembered himself. Or at least saw the eyes and released her. She watched him stalk off, snatching the ring from a student who had collected it and was holding it out to him on his way past. Madelyn couldn't wait long enough to transfigure the dress now. She just ran for it.

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Thanks for reading!
Miss Measured

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