6. She Hates Her

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To be honest, she didn't know why she always feels attracted towards him, but she didn't across the line.... Not now, not until he is hers, Soon , and he will be hers. She kissed on his left cheek making him come back to his sense and she step away looking at his red ears.

" Cute but Hot " that's what came in her mind as she saw her blushing.

" I think I should drop you to your house now." He said after clearing his throat.

He quickly opened the door of the passenger seat, Eshana went inside and settled herself. He jogged round towards the driver side and sit inside and drove off...

After dropping her, she told him to take the car, but he refused, and told that, he doesn't want to trouble her and will go by a cab. Like that their date end with a happy note.


It's was Sunday, Armaan was working in his room, while a person was glaring at his direction.

Although, he was not scared, but irritated, as he wanted to complete his work in peace.

" What? Stop looking at me like a creep. What do you want? " Armaan asked the person, as he looked at him raising his head from his wife aka Laptop.

" I only want Aavanya Chaturvedi . But for now I want your time dude, we are meeting after 2 months , I here, for you leaving my works and you are busy with your work. " the person replied.

Hearing him Armaan rolled his eyes, he can't believe, this is the same man, the people fear.

" One thing you said about her, calling you a irritating jerk is so true. I don't know how I am handling a jerk like you all this years " Armaan replied.

" Just like I am handling the gloomy and arrogant you" Aadavan asked crookily.

Aadavan Singh Rathore the most eligible and successful businessman, known for his arrogant, cunning and rude attitude, behaving like a man child in front of him. Yes they met in high school and from then, they became best friends, formed a unbreakable bond, Aadavan never distinguished between themselves and always stayed by his side and he was more than a brother to Armaan .

" As per as I know you, you are not here just to spend time with me. And I have lots of work to do. And as I know with your big ass company, you are also not free, so come to the point directly."
Armaan said knowing his best friend , as Aadavan father has officially retired from his position, Aadavan is handling everything on his own, so him being here, must be important.

" That's why you are my best friend, you know everything about me. Umm... I need your help." Aadavan replied.

" Stop beating through the bushes and come to the point."

" Fine, so... so Miss firecracker my little death-note has blocked me, also not at all interested in anything related to me and I need your help in getting close to her and only you can help me with this "

Armaan raised right his eyebrow at Aadavan and said,

" Well I know you you liked her in spite of you denial, and now I see you are totally whipped. But how can I help you in this situation? "

" umm... So she is Your would be fiance best friend, therfore... "

" WHAT?" Armaan kept him laptop aside and looked at Aadavan with widen eyes.

" No fucking hell, I am going to help you, so Miss Chaturvedi is Eshana's Bestfriend? No shit I am already in a mess right now, I can't help you "

" Armaan you are my only hope, you don't have to do much, just somehow managed make Eshana accept the deal I will send for the Shekhawat's, as Aavanya handles the legal matters for Eshana, I will get some time with her and it will better way to approach her , I will able go close to her, you know Aavanya will not accept any proposals from me, other things related to Eshana and also the deal will be very beneficial for the both the Companies, so please help me . "

Armaan look at Aadavan and saw how much desperate he is for this single opportunity, he can't say no to the person, who had helped him always, whenever he needed and here his Bestfriend is in love, so it's not like it will cause any harm, so he nodded agreeing.

" OK I will help you"

A wide grin formed in Aadavan's face and he hugged Armaan in a friendly hug.


Aadhya and Aadavan two new characters, what do you feel about them? You see another love story is cooking 😙... And Arhana are coming little closer too... Hope you are liking the story.... Soon marriage is going to happen. Are you all excited for Eshana and Armaan 's marriage? Please do vote and comment.

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