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Two months has already passed and I'm sitting with my parents in the teachers office for my result card.

I'd be lying if I say that I'm not shiting myself rn.

It took nearly a moth for my exams to finish and to be honest it was pretty good. I mean I am confident that I will pass with good marks..well not in maths if I might add.

But who knows what might happen.


Hope everything happens correctly.

As our juniors exam were finished but the seniors were going on, I and Yoongi hadn't met for a whole god damn month.

He did wanted to come but I demanded him not to and if he wants to study with Jimin then Jimin can go to him, because Jimin himself was distracted with Rose and we both don't want them to get distracted by us.

Anyways, they said that their exams were good and they can't wait to graduate high school.

I was happy that they are happy but I was really not that happy.

Graduating high school means that going away. Going away in the sense that going to new collage, in new place.

I mean they can get a collage where they lie but NO they don't want to. going somewhere else will be good for them as they say.


They will not. I know it.

"Good morning, Mr and Mrs Park" My teacher, Joe greeted my parents with a smile.

"Good morning Mr. Joe" They said with a smile.

I greeted him too.

"How was she this year?" My father asked immediately.

"Y/n? Well..she was doing well but in mid term she was falling behind although after that she has improved herself." Joe smiled, searching for my result card.

"Oh, that's good to hear. Because honestly, I have never seen her studying at home. Always roaming around with Rose." Father complained.

I side eyed him and nudged mom. But she just ignores me. Great.

"Oh? Is is true Y/n?" Joe asked me.

I sighed softly and looked up. "I don't know what dad is saying but..I do study at home." I said glancing at him.

"To say..she has performed very good this" Joe passed the result card to us. My parents leaned in to look at it.

I tried to not look at it but my eyes were forcing itself to look at it and when I did, my eyes widened.

" way." I mumbled.

"I'm so proud of you!" Mom squealed softly as she pressed my hand.

"Me too." I mumbled, still shocked seeing the marks.

"The subject in which she scored the highest is Maths with 97 percent and I too was shocked when I checked her paper, she was an high average student and with this marks, I feel very proud of her." Joe smiled at me.

"You see teacher...she is our daughter." Dad chuckled and he hugged me from the side.

They chuckled and then my parents signed the card. After signing another paper we went out of the office and I was still stunned with the result.

"You did so good!" They both said and hugged me. A bone crushing one.

"Thankyou." I chuckled.

We pulled away, dad started to tell me that whatever I need today he will get it. Mom asked ne about my dream gift.

I just chuckled and shook my head information them I'll tell them later.

We walked out of the school and into the car.

I opened my phone and popped into Rose's message.

My bitch

Hey, how was your report card?

I waited for her to reply and in a second she did.

My bitch:
Awesome! 96 percentage!!!


My bitch:
That bad?
Don't worry.. you'll perform good in the next year.

LOL! Jk I got 97!

My bitch:

I can't believe I got this high-grade

My bitch:
Well you deserved it.

We talked until I got to know that I am home and got inside biding her goodbye. 

I got inside the house and was hugged by Jimin. 

"I can't believe you passed with such a good tell the truth, u cheated right?" He smirked. 

"No, you idiot" I slapped his arm and walked over and sat down on the sofa.

" will be in the new seniors of the school, you excited?" He asked, as he sat down beside me. 

"Yes and no."

"Why no?" He furrowed his eyebrows.

"Well, we have to do much work, selection of the council members, their works ugh." I said, lying down on the sofa. 

"True..but don't think about it too much and just have fun~" He said as he poked my side. 

"Yah Park Jimin!" Mom shouted at him. "Go and study you have you calculus exam the day after tomorrow right?" 

"Yes" Jimin said as he stood up. 

"Then GO!" 

"YES" Jimin said and ran to his room. 

I laughed at his back. "Y/n," Mom called me. "Go get changed, I'll be making your favourite."

"YES!" I said as I punched up in the air and ran up to my room. 

I changed into my trousers and a sweatshirt, my hair in a ponytail and walked downstairs while chatting with Yoongi. 

My man

My man: I just got message from Jimin. Congrats baby! ❤️😽

Me: Thanks hehe. Now go study.

My man: Ugh can't I just talk with my gf for a minute?

Me: Yes but you have exams Yoongi go.

My man: Fine ma'am.

I smiled at the 'ma'am', bid him bye and stared to eat with everyone. 

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