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"I'm a bird ~" Jungkook shouted, waving his arms and jumping.

"I'm a tiger" Taehyung roared.

"I'm single" Murmured Hobi and Jin, a bottel of beer in their hand.

"I want sleep" Yoongi said.

"And I'm queen elizabeth" i said looking at them in disgust. "Ugh! Guys have you seen Rose and Jimin?"

"No" they murmured.

"Where the fuck are they?" I murmured to myself, looking at the filled living room. The music blasting and lights flashing.

"Happy birthday Y/n" a voice behind me. I turned around to see Jakson.

My eyes slightly widened at the sight of him. He's wearing a tight black shirt with black pants.

"Thank you" I smiled up at him.

He leaned in to hug me, I hugged back.

He cleared his throat and backed away. "You're looking beautiful" he smiled.

"And You're looking handsome" what? He is.

"Thanks" He smirked and drank the drink in the glass.

I was about to tell him something but someone called him.

"Sorry, I gotta go" he said.

"No problem" I shook my head. He looked at me for a sec and walked away.

"What was he saying?" A deep husky voice said behind me.

I turned around and jumped slightly as I saw Yoongi so close to me.

"Don't jump on me like that" I warned him.

"What was he saying?" He ignored my comment.

"He was just wishing me happy birthday " i rolled my eyes. "Why do you care?"

"I'm just protecting you"

"You don't have to protect me just because I'm a woman, i can protect myself" I scoffed.

"I'm not protecting you beacuse your a woman," he stepped forward, closing the distance between us. "I'm protecting you because you're MY woman"

Good lord. I stared at him with my eyes wide and jaw dropped. That's the best thing anyone has said to me. But no... he's drunk.

"Yoongi , you're drunk" I said, stepping back.

"I maybe drunk but the words are truth" he wrapped his arm around my waist and pulled me closer.

"Yoon--" he didn't let me sepak and started to drag me out of the house where no one is there.

"What are y-" Before I would speak anything, he lips were on me.

I widened my eyes. I couldn't move my arms or legs nothing. I just stood there, with his soft lips on mine.

I mean we did kiss, but this is unbelievable. 

When I didn't do anything, he pulled away and looked in my eyes.

"I'm sorr-"

I tiptoed and kissed him. Yes I did it. You wanna fight? I just couldn't, I mean i have feelings for him so yeah. Let's see what happens.

I felt him smile in the kiss and he pushed me against the wall and deepen the kiss. He licked my bottom lips and i immediately open my mouth. He pushed his tongue inside and  we started to explore each other. I threw my hands around his neck, pulling him closer, soo close that his body is literally on me.  

I tugged his hair and he grunts and started to roam his hand on my body. This kiss is different, It feels like every emotion he has been holding back, hiding beneath that facade, is finally coming to the surface, pouring from his mouth into mine. 

The way he's kissing me is slow and passionate, tongue tingling. Somehow, it makes me want him more - the languid, desiring peace - and i can sense he does too, from the low moans he is releasing into my mouth.

"Mm...Y/n" He mumbled as he pulled back. "I want to tell you something, and it's not because i'm drunk or anything, it's my true words and i  mean it"

"What is it?" I breathed as his hand rubbed my waist.

"I...." He sighed and shut his eyes close. Moments later he opened his eyes and looked directly in my eyes, "I love you"

What did he say? I opened my mouth and closed it, looking like a fish. I don't know what to tell. My heart started to beat fast after hearing those words from him. It's good that he has feeling for me, i should be happy and i am but....i'm very confuse. Should i tell him that i love him too or..not?

"Y-you know what," He moved his hand back from my waist and looked away. "It's stupid, i shouldn't have said that, Happy birthday again"

And with that he walked away. I watched his figure disappearing in the house and i couldn't help but the tears started to flow down from my cheeks. 

Why the hell am i crying?  Ugh i should have told him that i love him. But it's no use now. 

I sighed, wiping off the tears from my cheeks, taking a deep breath i walked inside the house keeping a smile in my face. 

"Hey, Bitch!" Jungkook hugged me tightly as sat down on the couch. 

"Jungkook... You're heavy..Move!" I grunted, moving him and letting him seat beside me. 

"Yah! I'm not heavy!" He pouted, crossing his arms over his chest. 

"Yes you are" I chuckled, teasing him.

"Yah!" He started to whine, but turned serious and turned to face me, "Can i tell you a secret?" He whispered.

"What?" I moved back a bit as his face was too close.

"Don't tell anyone, but....." He smiled innocently looking around and faced me. "Jimin and Rose are.................

Having sex"

My Brother's Best Friend || YOONGI FFWhere stories live. Discover now