If anything to blot out the gnawing sense of guilt... a couple hours of patrol won't hurt much he supposed.


The sound of cut glass can be heard within a certain building in District 7. As the gadget used in the process finished, its user, a masked figure with a feminine shape, pulled the glass panel off the hatch before dropping it down to the ground next to her.

The burglar placed the gadget back into a secret compartment within her form-fitting suit, and took out a gun-like device with a hook at the other end. She pointed the gun at a wall opposite to her, and pulled the trigger. With a loud hiss the hook ejected out of the barrel at high speeds before it embedded itself in the wall.

Attached to the rope was carbon fiber rope. More than enough to take the weight of a full-grown man without snapping. She dropped it down to the ground, seeing as no one in there was around.

She grabbed ahold of the rope and pulled it taut.

The office was large, even larger than most other offices she's been to. The desk was at the far end of the large room, with a big chair behind it.

The burglar took out a small ball from her many pockets, and lightly tossed it down. The ball shattered into numerous, tiny pieces as a silvery mist quickly spread across the room.

In an instant, in front of the burglar's eyes revealed several dozens upon dozens of laser beams across the seemingly empty space.

"Hmm. Tacky," the burglar said.
These lasers were nothing than security systems, designed to activate whenever anyone walked through them. If activated, a silent alarm will go off, notifying Judgement and AntiSkill of a break-in, and activate the emergency shutters within the room to trap any would-be thrives in the room.

At this point, like in many stories the burglar would perform outstanding feats of acrobatics and athleticism evading and weaving through each single laser beam to prevent the alarms from going off.
However, this was Academy City.

The burglars took out a small remote from another pocket in her suit. It resembled a dog clicker.

With a click the lasers disappeared.

"One minute," she suddenly said as she jumped down to the ground, the suit cushioning her fall, and ran towards the desk, digging into its cabinets. After a few seconds of searching she found what she was searching for.

A folder made out of manila paper was taken out from the main cabinet and placed into the desk. She produced a camera from her hands and started taking pictures of the files within said folder, flashes of light briefly illuminating the dim room.

After she was done she stashed the camera into herself and grabbed the folder. She made sure to remove any traces of possible unwanted access, removing any creases and putting the files back into the correct order before she placed it back into the cabinet.

She stopped.

She could just take this folder and disappear, go off the grid. Sure, they might go and create a manhunt, or "cathunt" in her case, to search for the missing files.

Whoever this Mr. Fisk was, he must be reallt important by the Board of Directors to be designated as a surveillance subject.

Something this classified could be worth millions within the black market.

Illegal weapons, mass production of experimental drugs, and...


The temptation was too much, so she decided to put it back to its original place.

A Certain Misfortunate SpiderOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora