"Okay" Bobbi nodded

She closed the door then went to her suitcase and got her bathing suit and sandals out. Since she showered last night she was good.

Hearing Boogie's snoring get louder she rolled her eyes. "Nigga ain't that sleep." She mumbled taking her robe off.

After dressing herself and doing her hygiene she got Boogie's clothes out for him.

"Bae" She spoke sitting on top of his back. "Baby!"

"Hmm?" He groaned "Wake up"

"I been up, get up real quick." He responded lifting his head up. "Nigga you was sleep as fuck stop lying all yo life."

Najah got up and sat on the bed and waited for him. Once Boogie was done getting ready they met up with them at the beach.

"You freaked out." Mir mugged Najah. "Mmcht shut up. Y'all needa learn how to mind y'all business. Ian say shit 'bout Nasia."

"How can we mind our business if youn know how to shut up?" Tank questioned "What about me hoe?" Nasia questioned

"Mannn what about you? Don't play stupid like youn know what she tammat." Boogie responded

"I don't"
"Uhhh... I think you do." Mir chuckled

Nasia stood there thinking to herself for a second then covered her mouth. "Oh my god y'all heard that?! I'm so sorry."

"Yeen gotta apologize cs imma get it in errtime but dets just me." Najah shrugged "HELLO!" Bobbi agreed

"Let's go to the gift shop and buy them cute lil bracelets n stuff." Bobbi suggested "Okay"

After buying a few things from the gift shops they got on a boat.

"Uh uh it's too early to be drinkin." Bobbi complained as Najah tried pouring liquor in her mouth. "Bitch open your mouth and stop being pussy."

"It's literally 2:00 n dis bitch tammat it's too early. It ain't never too early fa shot o'clock!"

"All y'all hoes do is drink, pick up a jay n relax yo mind fa once." Mir spoke blowing smoke out his mouth.

"Nah, we good luv." Najah responded "Liver gone be all types a fucked up." Boogie shook his head.

"And that's my business. You gone take care of me when I get sick anyways."

"You fucked up inna head."

"We knew that tho."

Najah went around and made everybody take a shot. For some reason she was starting to feel really sick. She thought it was because of them being on the water so she went to the bathroom.

She sat on the floor for a second because her head was spinning. Once she felt it coming up she hovered over the toilet and let it out.

"Najah" Nasia spoke knocking on the door. "You okay?" She asked

"No!" Najah responded flushing the toilet.

She rinsed her mouth then left out the bathroom seeing Nasia standing there waiting on her.

"I feel sick Nasia."
"You pregnant?" She asked lowly.

"No, I think I just drank too much or it might be the water that's making me sick."

"Mmm" Nasia grinned with her hand on her lip.


"I think you pregnant."

"Me and Boogie don't even do nun that often no more. The last time before last night was like a month ago."

"And? It only takes one time Najah."

"Nasia i'm not pregnant, let it go."

"Okay girl, whatever you say."

"Where you go?" Boogie asked once she came back. "I had to use the bathroom. Ion feel good tho."

"What's wrong?"

"Iono I just feel sick, I wanna go lay down for a little bit."



After dinner they split up. They guys hung out and went to a bar while the girls stayed with Najah because she still didn't feel good.

"I got this from the store earlier, you should just take it now see Najah."

"Nasia i'm not pregnant!"

"Wait huh?" Bobbi asked "She think I'm pregnant just cs I'm throwing up. It was just cs I was on water."

"We not on water nomo bitch. Take that damn test n see wassup."

"I'm not pregnant Bobbi I know that for a fact."

"Okay so take n prove us wrong then."


She took the test from Nasia then went in the bathroom and took it. After she took it she waited in the bathroom for the results to pop up.

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