Chapter 102: She locked the door

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Lis sat up as she laughs her heart out, she could not believe what she heard. Jungkook's reason for being jealous was too hilarious for her to handle. Breathing hard from laughing, she pated Jungkook's shoulder while wiping away some tears from her eyes.

"I really can't believe that was why you got jealous. First Bambam and now coco. Goodness, you should change your name to King of Jealousy!"


Jungkook laid on his back with both his hands behind his head, but he was glaring at Lisa. He wanted to strangle the woman for laughing at him. He had been serious while explaining to her and yet, here she is, laughing at him. Was it really that funny?

Looking at her smile that can put all flowers to shame, he smiled faintly. He knew he had fallen in love with her more. But remembering why she was smiling, he frowned and pouted his lips.

"Is it that funny?"

"It's not, it's not funny at all."

Lisa cleared her throat and waved both her hands out. but she was still laughing. How can she stop laughing? This man's jealousy was beyond stupid.

Jungkook stared at Lisa. He regret telling her his reason, if he had known she'd act this way, he would have never told her. Taking a deep breath, he glance at her, but seeing how she has forgotten how she looks like, he smirked at an idea.

An idea that will definitely drive her insane.

After laughing so hard, Lisa finally stops. Her stomach was starting to hurt.

"Kook, I think you should see- ahh!!"

Before she could finish, Jungkook in one swift move, wraps his arms around her waist and flip her on the bed. Getting on top of her, he grins evilly.

"What I should see, is only.... you."


Lisa was taken by surprise. She was too busy laughing she had forgotten the situation she was in. The moment his bare chest touched her, she could feel an unknown sensation stung her.

Gulping, she looks into his deep eyes. The man did not hide the lust and love that flare in them.

"K-kook... wait..."

Jungkook didn't wait, he lowered his head and captured Lisa's lips. He had been humiliated by her enough. It was his turn now.

Grabbing hold of her remaining armor, Jungkook removes each piece slowly. Starting with her thigh high boots to her skirt, then her bra and lastly, the thin armor blocking him from entering her.

"Wwww-wait!!" Lisa stops his hands from further advancing.

"Why?" Jungkook frowned, his hand was still on Lisa's panties. Just one quick move and it'll be removed.

"I... Shower. Let me shower first."

She needed to make an excuse. Their intense workout from last night had already tired her out, how can she go more rounds with him! And coco was outside!!

Hearing her words, he found it reasonable. She had just gotten home, so it's natural to want to shower.

Jungkook tilted his head and pretend to put on a thinking face, he pouted his lips again, then noded his head.


Lisa did not wait another second! She grabed her sweater to cover her breasts and ran for the bathroom door, slumming it shut and not forgetting to lock it.

She had move so fast that she missed the evil look on Jungkook's face.

He had agreed to let her shower, but did he say he wouldn't join her?


Laying on the bed. He started counting for the right time to surprise her. Once Lisa is busy showering, he'll make his cunning move.



The warm water cascade down Lisa's hair and over her naked body. However, she couldn't help but feel something was amiss.

Jungkook had let her off too easily....

Frowning at the thought, she decided it was just mind thinking too much. Closing her eyes, she rinsed off the shampoo along with all the stress and dirt from her day. She had finally found a gift for her yeye and made a new friend in Imperial.

It was only a matter of time before everything finally falls into place.

Continuing to let the warm water fall on her body, she decided to relax a bit before washing her body.

The clear bathroom soon turned steamy. Only the sound of the shower running could be heard.

With her eyes closed and her mind relaxed, she did not hear the locked door slowly unlock and a ninja sneak into her domain.

Creasing her brows, Lisa sensed something was really not right. Opening her eyes not too fast or too slow, she was struck by lightning.


Standing inside the shower with her was the man she had wanted to escape from. Her mouth twitched as she stared in disbelief at this Heavenly emperor.

When.... How did he get in? Didn't she lock the door?!


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